I know that the contents of a first aid kit has been kicked around a lot on here. The majority say some band-aides, some neosporin, some moleskin or second skin and duct tape is all you need. Other will toss in a few Tylenol or Ibuprofen and a couple of Imodium, all with keeping things light.

Now lets say someone else or yourself have had formal training, (i.e. EMT/Paramedic and/or Certified Wilderness First Aide) would you consider carrying just a few more items because you have training to do more both for yourself or for others? I am not suggesting anything like a full suture kit, but a couple clotting bandages, maybe an ACE bandage. Not to make light of someone seriously hurting themselves, but you can't look at them and say "Damn dude, duct tape ain't gonna fix that." I am sure there are or have been doctors, nurses, EMTs, Paramedics, or people trained in outdoor first aide that hike. I am not suggesting these people should be required to carry extra items. I am just thinking about coming up on someone who has taken a header on the rocks of Pennsylvania or somewhere else. Some band-aides and duct tape won't help much with a gash to head, as head wounds tend to bleed a lot, even if it is small. Situations like this can't be ignored, unless you are totally heartless.

Yes? No? Maybe?