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  1. #181

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    Quote Originally Posted by evyck da fleet View Post
    None of the ultra runners were near their prime when they set the record. There is such a thing as stupid light. Did you see the before and after pictures of Jurek? Averaging 4 mph including running gives you a 56 mile day with eight hours of sleep and an hour at the beginning and end of the day. It's amazing to think with no injuries and a lot of luck a sub40(by hours not days) could be possible. 55*40=2200. I don't expect to see that soon but I guess what I think would be the limits of human capabilities on the AT differ from others.

    Its the "repeat for 45 days in a row" thats the hardest part.
    And thats where the younger guy with better recovery ability should have advantage over the old farts.

    Last edited by MuddyWaters; 09-09-2017 at 11:14.

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScareBear View Post
    It's the "self-supported" thing and 9 whole days better and then besting the supported time that leaves me incredulous as to it being a real "self-supported" attempt. He may have done it. But I just can't see how.
    Look at Joey Camps' progress. He is on pace to beat to beat Anish by 7 days. Look at all the people that think 9 days is amazing but are positive about it. I just don't see how (you can be so negative).

    I would like to point out that the supported fkt is still in play. Three others have done it within a day of Stringbean.

  3. #183


    Quote Originally Posted by Linesman View Post
    For those who doubt Joe could have completed the AT in just 45 days + just look at this video. He finished 5th in the grueling 100k (62.1 mi) with 12,000' elevation gain Gorge Falls in 9hr 43 min. Then a week later the 50mi Lake Sonoma (10,500 elevation gain) he finished 6th in 7hr 5min.

    So I think even with a 25lb pack he could average 48 mi days on the AT especially since he said he trained with a pack. I know he had a GoPro camera with him so I hope we get to see some of that.
    His race results here https://ultrasignup.com/results_event.aspx?did=40085

    and here http://lakesonoma50.com/2017-results.html

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by ARambler View Post
    Look at Joey Camps' progress. He is on pace to beat to beat Anish by 7 days. Look at all the people that think 9 days is amazing but are positive about it. I just don't see how (you can be so negative).

    I would like to point out that the supported fkt is still in play. Three others have done it within a day of Stringbean.
    I'm not saying SB doesn't get the overall FKT. I'm just sayin that I'm not drinking self-supported koolaid just yet. In fact, I'm not drinking it at all. Here's why:

    StringBean chose to use Anish's declaration of intent as HIS declaration of intent. By that he stated HER rule that only truly random acts of kindness are acceptable. Yogi'ing is not a random act of kindness. It is a deliberate, intentional act on the part of the hiker to obtain something belonging to another without the owner first offering it. Therefore, yogi'ing isn't a random act of kindness. Unless you can somehow utilize bad logic and try to argue that because you didn't know if the owner would part with the goods until you tried to mooch them that the owner's decision to part with them is both random and kindness. Here, SB copped to mooching food and batteries more than once and that this mooching allowed him to continue on through the night. That seems to clearly violate the rule of random acts of kindness that SB himself chose to yoke himself with. His choice. Her rules. He could have done it old school, where mooching is cool. But he chose to go for it Anish-style. Aint nothin random about mooching what you need when you need it to keep on going.

    I'm far more interested in Camps. He is probably doing it right, after the debacle on his last attempt. Pretty sure he isn't mooching his way South to glory...but I could be wrong...

  5. #185


    Is borrowing a battery to send out one SPOT ping disqualifying in your opinion? Day 34 Joey Camps instagram.

  6. #186

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    Quote Originally Posted by black chucks View Post
    Is borrowing a battery to send out one SPOT ping disqualifying in your opinion? Day 34 Joey Camps instagram.
    Do you deserve a 0 on a test in school if you cheat on one question, but make a 99 otherwise?
    Is a team disqualified from competition and have title stripped simply by having an ineligible player, even if that person didnt contribute?

    It all depends on what the FKT PEERS think the rules should be. they are evolving unfortunately, and will get more detailed with every attempt to bypass these such issues.
    Im not a fkt peer. Im a spectator. In my opinion, my opinion dont count. Neither do 99.5% of the others, for the same reason.
    Last edited by MuddyWaters; 09-09-2017 at 16:48.

  7. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuddyWaters View Post
    It all depends on what the FKT PEERS think the rules should be. they are evolving unfortunately, and will get more detailed with every attempt to bypass these such issues.
    First, we need to agree on timely transparency. To me, Joe's accomplishment is inconceivable. In 2013, I figured others might feel the same with my hike (albeit A LOT slower)... So within less than a week of my finish, I had a daily log, resupply/drop schedule, pack list, even the contents of my mail drops all posted publicly. In other words, I honestly and thoroughly showed exactly how I did what I did (including the yogi incident, discussed earlier). This remains the FKT for publicly posting such details of an AT self-supported FKT...

    And I thought I was the slowpoke, here!

    RE Joey: I'm really proud of his efforts at transparency. He did a great job in 2014 and this year is no different. I have no doubt between his track map and intent to share other documentation immediately upon finish that his could be the best example of timely transparency for a self-supported effort... FKT or not. I hope y'all are still watching and cheering... Because, despite all our mumblings and grumblings over the minutiae, it's an amazing thing to see!

  8. #188

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    Quote Originally Posted by matthew.d.kirk View Post
    First, we need to agree on timely transparency.
    Wont happen until someone calls the meeting of the brain trust.

    What you dont want is media and uniformed popular opinion to usurp the role of bestowing title.

    When attempters contact media themselves.....thats precisely what they are trying to do. To me....that has a smell...

  9. #189
    Registered User JPritch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScareBear View Post
    And then go on to best the supported recorded in the same attempt? I suppose SB is the greatest Yogi in AT history...but he still claims to have carried the max load in his frameless pack. Self-supported seems....unbelievable. 9 days better than the record AND better than the supported record? I mean, isn't that why there were 10 days between Anish and Speedgoat? The support? Or were they both such horrible athletes that SB can just lope on past them, carrying a self-supported load the entire way? And not lose 5 pounds in the whole process.

    It's the "self-supported" thing and 9 whole days better and then besting the supported time that leaves me incredulous as to it being a real "self-supported" attempt. He may have done it. But I just can't see how.
    I'm with you on this ScareBear. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this one. I know it's been "verified" by keyboard warriors, but has this hike been put through the ringer and are we all being conned by this claim?
    It is what it is.

  10. #190
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    He finished 3rd at the Sean O'Brien 100K today in 9:15.36. Just missed getting a golden ticket to Western States.

  11. #191


    Any idea if footage from this thing will be released?! Like what is out there for his pct effort?

  12. #192
    Ounces are the little-death
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    He just put out a short doc yesterday.

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