I am looking for suggestions on a stove to use on a boat. The background on this is I am a pretty regular SCUBA diver and a part time hiker. With the weather turning colder, I am looking to get a hiking style stove to use on a boat. Two reasons for this: 1. Hot food and hot drinks are quite pleasant when climbing out from being under cold (by FL standards) water. 2. We have been invaded by venomous lion fish and I have been stung before. It sucks bad. The best and only treatment is immersion of the sting in hot water. So I would like to have a way to make some hot water on a boat.

This will be for boiling water only. I don't need it to simmer or anything like that. Being wind resistant is important. Being stable is important. I would like the pot and stove to lock together if possible and I will still be holding it the whole time I am cooking with it to keep it from tipping over. Unlike my hiking stove, I don't care what this one weighs. I am only causally familiar with stoves because I hike with a homemade alcohol stove. No way would I try and use that thing on the boat. I am looking for a stable wind resistant jet boil style stove.
