My husband and I were forced off the Long Trail three days away from our finish last summer and we are tossing around the idea of a thru hike in 2019. I never in my wildest dreams pictured myself writing this post because I was nervous about three weeks in Vermont and I have no idea if it's something we could actually do but my question is, are there any teachers on here that have thru hiked or want to? Normally my summers are spent prepping for the following year and partially recouping from teaching 100 plus high schoolers every day but how did your district react to requesting a leave of absence and when did you start and how far in advance did you give notice?

If we were to do this we would have a very early March start in order to give ourselves time to be back in August. I know most people who start begin in April but that would have us potentially finishing toward end of September or there about , which won't work because it's a new school year. Last year when I mentioned to my principal (who thinks hiking is awesome) about hiking the Long Trail, he said it sounded amazing and if I ever 'wanted to do something longer he could talk to our superintendent about a LOA". No clue if they would ever approve it so I'm wondering what others' experiences have been.

Thank you in advance...!