Well, we got a "golden ticket" (for 3) to hike the John Muir Trail, starting August 28 at Happy Isles in Yosemite and scheduled to finish Sept 20 at Whitney Portal. I have a hundred questions, but will start with this one:

How hot/cold do I need to plan on? Am I going to have to take winter gear (extra pack weight) for bitter cold nights? I have a 20-degree sleeping bag and a 20-degree down top quilt (though I assume I can't hammock along the JMT?). Is 20 degrees sufficient?

It appears to me that,-- similar to the AT,-- the JMT is a series of shorter hikes strung together, with places to resupply/ZERO along the way.

I'll have more questions, but if any of you get inspired to share any hints, suggestions, warnings, or whatever, feel more than free to jump in. I've never hiked out west nor at those elevations.

With a daughter and grandkids in Las Vegas now, I suspect my travel plans will go through there and probably involve being driven to Yosemite at start and picked up in Lone Pine at end. I've never been to Yosemite, but did spend a night in Lone Pine this January and drove up to Whitney Portal just to see it.