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Thread: Preparation H

  1. #1
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    Default Preparation H

    I'm really going to do it! Thru-hike the AT, that is, and I need a place to hang out with like minded folks. My name is Holli and I am a 53yo woman. I used to spend a fair amount of time hiking and camping but 8 years ago the Hubs and I started a business restoring historic wood windows and there has hardly been a free moment since. Originally, I had planned to do the AT in 2015 as a 'turning 50' bucket list item but with the business and some family tragedy that idea just fell to the wayside.

    So, now I am ready to do this, or so I thought. Eight years is a long time to not be out hiking or exercising on a regular basis but it flew by so fast it hadn't occurred to me that I was in TERRIBLE shape! I reconnected with the Hiking Group I belong to and saw they were doing a hike that Sunday at a local forest where I used to hike in the past. No probs, right?! I signed myself up, went and bought a new pair of trail runners and showed up. What ensued was nothing short of hilarity! The oldest member, a 67yo lady, tells me to hike with her as she is the slowest, to help me get my trail legs back...nope! She left me in the dust! I am huffing and puffing and pushing myself on. Everyone else is far ahead. When I finally reach the top of the hill, they have all had a rest while waiting on me and are ready to rest for me. Sad, sad Holli! This went on and on as we climbed 1400 ft, I finally get there, they are ready to go. So, at one point I thought I might be having a stroke when everything went black and my arms and legs went numb! I start talking to myself in my head "OMG! Are you having a stroke? How the hell should I know? Never had a stroke before! OMG! YOU CANNOT HAVE A STROKE ON THIS HILL! Someone will have to come carry you out of here, how rude, get a grip! OK!" This was the actual conversation.

    I guess the group got to the top of another hill and decided they had had enough waiting on me and sent this crazy fella back to pace me, or make sure you know I don't stroke out. LOL So, guy starts "Well, you know people in your condition usually quit on the first hill...I have to admire your tenacity so I'm gonna walk with you for awhile, if that's ok." He doesn't wait for a reply and falls in next to me. We trudge on for a bit and he speaks again "You know, I'm gonna make an observation here. It seems to me that you came out here today without eating and now you have used up all your energy reserves" Right about that time I tripped on a tree root "and that is why you are tripping on tree roots." I confessed that he was correct and I hadn't eaten and he speaks again..."Well, normally now your body would be converting fat to energy for you to use" he looks me and up and down and says "and right now I don't think your body is very efficient at doing that."

    At another point in my life I may have socked that guy in the puss, but I realized everything he was saying was true and decided to just roll with it and improve. I did manage finish the hike in the allotted two hours that was posted so I was pretty happy about that!

    So, here are some of the things I have done so far in preparation -
    I bought my son a home gym...wink,wink
    Started yoga classes on youtube
    Doing less ambitious hikes twice a week with the group to work up stamina
    Walking with my neighbor twice a week
    Watched videos on exercises to strengthen my knees
    Watched videos on how to improve my gait
    Got a bike rental account and rode that sucker around the neighborhood yesterday...lot harder than I recall it being
    Started researching gear, became obsessed with cook stoves, joined a FB group called StoveAholics to help me work through my issues, watched every cook stove video I could find on YT, some more than once, did I mention obsession?
    Watched all Shugs videos on hammock camping, then watched a bunch of his other videos because he cracks me up and reminds me of me, but a male version.
    Started a gear list spreadsheet and everytime I think of something I am going to want to take I put it on there
    Went to the local Outfitter and bought an Osprey Viva 65. After trying many it was the one that was most comfortable for me. It wasn't the pack I had gone to buy but after trying it on and with the excellent assistance of the sales person it was the one I chose. Moral of the story...If you can get to an outfitter, sporting goods store or what ever you have in your town, go try on the packs. If the sales person doesn't want to help you go to the manager, surly help is better than no help!


  2. #2
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    LOL!! Wish you were in Georgia. I would love to do a day hike with you! I'm slow and out of shape too.
    " Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt. "

  3. #3
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    Holli, you crack me up! So funny!
    I hope you stick around WhiteBlaze and participate in the discussions.
    But I'm still wondering about the preparation H....? The H is for Holli?

    It sucks being middle-aged. I remember being young and slender and agile and strong. Where did it all go?
    Anyway, you have my sympathies. Sounds like you're doing a bunch of things to get in shape. Good for you! But even if you're not successful at whatever conditioning goals you set, get out there anyway. Just walk at whatever pace you can handle and enjoy the woods.

  4. #4
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    Yeah the H is for Holli and the post was about the preparation I have been doing plus I thought it was a funny title for a post but mostly because I can be a pain in the ass when I get started on something!

  5. #5


    With a "Preparation H" thread title, I was expecting something else

    The woman on the right is 78 and is a hiking, trail brushing machine. Let that be an inspiration for you. Get active, stay active. Me? I'm on the left, tuckered out.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  6. #6
    Registered User SawnieRobertson's Avatar
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    I so relate. Wonderfully expressed story. So, Holli, go!
    You never know just what you can do until you realize you absolutely have to do it.

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