I wanted to hit one of the lesser used local trails today, it's part of a well used system of trails, but few people take the longer route. I get about 2 miles in, right to the start of the pristine new trail. I shrug off my pack, to switch to snowshoes and have a well deserved drink of water...

Turns out that I'd hooked the snowshoes to a convenient strap in the very center/top of my daypack, and had zipped up the main compartment with the standard double zipper to meet at the top of the pack. Well, the weight of the snowshoes, essentially dragged open the zippers, and dragged open the main compartment, spilling my water bottle and half of my gear. So, I turned around and collected my gear strewn along the last one and a half miles. Of course the water bottle was the last thing I found.

So, stupid little things matter, like choosing a better attachment point and/or having the zippers meet along one side and/or just not using the daypack during the winter.