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  1. #1

    Default Second Chance Hiker Takes on the PCT: 200 lbs Overweight

    I came across this guy on the tube and at first thought it was crazy. The more videos of his I watch, the more....."Good for him!" Good for him for getting out there on the trail, and good for him for wanting and working so hard to try and lose the weight. However far he makes it, it will be an accomplishment and hopefully an inspiration to others to get out there, find their goals and work as hard as they can until they accomplish them!

    Last edited by Gambit McCrae; 02-19-2019 at 15:52.
    Trail Miles: 5,265.4
    AT Map 1: ✔ | 13-21'
    Sheltowee Trace: ✔ | 20-23'
    Pinhoti Trail: ✔ | 23-24'
    Foothills Trail: ✔ | 24'
    BMT: 168.3
    CDT: 210.9

    GSMNP900: 134.7
    AT Map 2: 279.4

  2. #2


    Last edited by Gambit McCrae; 02-21-2019 at 09:32.

  3. #3


    This dudes going to Canada. And im excited for him. You can tell he's got grit.

    Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    Roaring Gap, NC


    Have I got this right ?
    He started January 31, 2019?
    That’s a bit early.
    All the best to him! If he can do it, anybody can.
    Get busy Wayne.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Venchka View Post
    Have I got this right ?
    He started January 31, 2019?
    That’s a bit early.
    All the best to him! If he can do it, anybody can.
    Get busy Wayne.
    I think he started at the correct time for himself. He went 7 miles in the first 3 days so until he drops that first stage of weight he will eb very slow going. Once the easy weight falls off which I would say could be substantial, I think he will be able to pickup his MPD to a bit more.

    What is it, 700 miles to the sierras?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by fastfoxengineering View Post
    This dudes going to Canada. And im excited for him. You can tell he's got grit.

    Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk

    I agree! I hope he makes it, he has great spirit

  7. #7
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit McCrae;22n38129
    I think he started at the correct time for himself. He went 7 miles in the first 3 days so until he drops that first stage of weight he will eb very slow going. Once the easy weight falls off which I would say could be substantial, I think he will be able to pickup his MPD to a bit more.

    What is it, 700 miles to the sierras?
    Smacks his head hard!
    Duh! Wayne. I should watch the videos first. That’s one way to get a permit without any hassle.
    I believe it is 700 miles, in round numbers, to Kennedy Meadows. That’s about where the Sierras start.

  8. #8


    As long as he gets in better shape and progressively ramps up his mileage, hell be fine. I know a couple of miles per day wont cut it... but i think hell be fine once he hits the sierras.

    He gave himself a 2 month break in period. He will know if he can go the distance by then.

    I hope he lightens up his pack a bit though. He looks all out of wack.

    Someone gets this man some ul gear!

    Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastfoxengineering View Post
    I hope he lightens up his pack a bit though. He looks all out of wack.
    Someone gets this man some ul gear!

    Sent from my SM-J737V using Tapatalk
    Can't watch 'em all but it looks like he has a z-packs tent and klymit inflatable pad. I'm sure his gear has to be big (not just clothes, but pad - perhaps a static v luxe insulated, which is going to be heavy), and he is toting a fair bit of electronics to vlog. Plus he clearly needs more water and food than most, for now.

    Think I spotted a z-lite too

    The top of his pack is angled strangely backward. The straps are clearly on his shoulders, so he may not be able to get it around his waist to elevate it off his shoulders. Not yet ... he seems to have a great attitude and that's going to serve him very well. He's as affable as if someone were right there with him. I'm amazed at how well he keeps up his spirits.

  10. #10
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    I watched most of what is online.
    He was in a plain cabin. Full of take out food. I’m guessing the burger place in Morena. He won’t be loosing weight.
    Day 10. Mile 26.
    Day 10-11-12: Visit to REI and more restaurants.
    He’s well funded. Or he won’t be on the trail much longer.
    Seeking Lost. The Metalbackpacker. 2018 CDT THRU.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venchka View Post
    I watched most of what is online.
    He was in a plain cabin. Full of take out food. I’m guessing the burger place in Morena. He won’t be loosing weight.
    Day 10. Mile 26.
    Day 10-11-12: Visit to REI and more restaurants.
    He’s well funded. Or he won’t be on the trail much longer.
    Seeking Lost. The Metalbackpacker. 2018 CDT THRU.
    I also came to same conclusion that he isn’t losing any weight yet. Why? At the end of day 12 he has almost hit the point that I hit on day 1. I had eaten less than 5000 calories to get to that point and he has either 3-4 zeros and all those helpful people bringing him extra food that will more than offset the increased burn rate from being 2x my weight. But you can’t help but root for the guy. I probably haven’t seen a better natured hiker. I hope that he can get water and fueling squared away because he is putting himself in more danger that he thinks. Others can hike their way out of a lot of situations, he is not capable of doing that at this time. Running out of water, not properly eating, almost losing your shelter to the wind, individually, none of these are a big deal but the cascade effect could have a far different outcome. Fingers crossed.
    enemy of unnecessary but innovative trail invention gadgetry

  12. #12


    I haven’t seen all the videos, yet. I’ve never seen a guy so excited about rain!

  13. #13
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    For him, rain means Zeros and collecting water. He can’t count on rain forever.
    I’ve never seen anyone brag about their first “water crossing”. It looked like an ankle deep puddle maybe one pace wide.
    I can’t criticize. He’s on a trail and I’m not.
    A Trail name yet?

  14. #14


    Second Chance seems appropriate

  15. #15
    Registered User JPritch's Avatar
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    He certainly has made his fair share of newbie mistakes. I could almost feel the weight myself when he stated that he wasn't using a waist belt because it wouldn't fit or that he wasn't using his load lifters properly. Looks like a lot of folks are giving him good advice though. I hope he can get it all dialed in shortly.
    It is what it is.

  16. #16


    That over wt and having the health and medical consequences that go with it choosing a PCT thru hiking environment to address it can include possible life threatening scenarios. Problematic is that some, I'd say most, LD Newbs and quite a few experienced LD hikers have is transitioning not only from off trail life to on trail life, and then LD on trail life, but re-transitioning back to off trail life after some lengthy time on trail. It's often hard enough making these transitions without the severe wt issue AND the related medical and health consequences. It's in evidence by how many threads and posts on WB occur relating the difficulties LD thrus have post thru hike readjusting. This includes post thru hike body wt management, fitness management, time management, mental outlook after a thru, and readjusting to new lifestyle changes. If the hike helps great but IMHO it may not be the best place to lose all that wt while possibly addressing required immediate medical needs. Admittedly, I didn't watch all the linked vids but I wonder if this person is concisely being medically advised, monitored, or professionally health care counseled as he's thru hiking? LD backpacking isn't exercising or going to the gym for 1-2 hrs daily as part of one's life or fitness goals. It is one's life. LD backpacking is more an endurance lifestyle event.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Gambit McCrae View Post
    I think he started at the correct time for himself. He went 7 miles in the first 3 days so until he drops that first stage of weight he will eb very slow going. Once the easy weight falls off which I would say could be substantial, I think he will be able to pickup his MPD to a bit more.

    What is it, 700 miles to the sierras?
    The man can do what he wants but I'd suggest losing the wt safely be prioritized within the framework of a hike...which does not have to be a thru hike. MPD or completing a PCT thru should not be the utmost priority. IMHO if completing a PCT thru is prioritized that can easily take away from safely losing wt gaining some health aspects. A wide range of health and medical stats should be monitored rather than simply noting wt fall off or how far up the trail he gets. I agree with Malto that he's placing himself in greater danger than he thinks. This can be analogous to those who go out unprepared, getting into serious trouble, more trouble than they realized could occur, and need S&R or some other assistance to survive. Doing such without supervision is dangerous possibly likened to some degree of good natured recklessness.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Dogwood View Post
    The man can do what he wants but I'd suggest losing the wt safely be prioritized within the framework of a hike...which does not have to be a thru hike. MPD or completing a PCT thru should not be the utmost priority. IMHO if completing a PCT thru is prioritized that can easily take away from safely losing wt gaining some health aspects. A wide range of health and medical stats should be monitored rather than simply noting wt fall off or how far up the trail he gets. I agree with Malto that he's placing himself in greater danger than he thinks. This can be analogous to those who go out unprepared, getting into serious trouble, more trouble than they realized could occur, and need S&R or some other assistance to survive. Doing such without supervision is dangerous possibly likened to some degree of good natured recklessness.

    I duly note the recklessness of the action. I think that the man sees Canada as the solution to losing the weight. As in when he gets tot he Canadian border he will have lost all the weight and life will be where he wants it. however, I feel that if his concentration is just sticking to the trail for as long as he can for the year that a lot of weight loss will occur. And that if thru hiking is a secondary priority that he could get in good enough shape to have a more realistic THRU hike next year. I think we could all probably agree that time spent on the trail is a safer weight loss option then time on the couch, however I would be weary of his lack of physical ability on a trail such as the PCT. Although as many would say more physically difficult, I would dare to say the AT would be better for weight loss FROM A LOGISTICAL STANDPOINT of water availability, and accessibility, and fellow hiker foot traffic- terrain would be a different story

  19. #19
    Registered User Venchka's Avatar
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    He’s going on eating binges every chance he gets. Then loads his pack with junk food for the trail.
    You don’t get to weigh 400 pounds by accident. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he had gained weight by the time of his latest night hike.
    He’s programmed to eat.

  20. #20
    imscotty's Avatar
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    I wish Second Chance the best, he is certainly a likable fellow. But unless he can pick up the pace in some of the long, dry stretches, I do not see this ending well.

    1) At a pace of 3 miles/ day, it is not possible for him to carry the water he needs between resupplies.
    2) He does not know how lucky he has been with that rain and the clouds. Frankly, I am a little bit jealous (I went through there last May in a baking sun). A couple of hot, dry, sunny days would change the situation for the worst.
    3) He has not mentioned electrolytes. I would not be worried about going a few days without food, but an electrolyte imbalance could go south quick.
    4) If he gets in trouble in an area without cell coverage, in February it may be a while before another hiker comes along.

    Now that I have been a negative Nancy, on the bright side...
    1) He's out there hiking.
    2) Great attitude.
    3) He is gaining a following, so hopefully some of these folks are local and can keep an eye out for him.
    4) When he sticks to the trail, I bet he is losing some pounds. He needs to cut back on the in-town days.
    Last edited by imscotty; 02-20-2019 at 22:36.
    “For of all sad words of tongue or pen,
    the saddest are these, 'It might have been.”

    John Greenleaf Whittier

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