WAIT! Before commenting on prevention being the best practice or that blisters are caused by "friction and moisture" or recommending whatever shoe that you like....PLEASE READ MY QUESTION.


I tend to get blisters on my heels and on the inside and end of my little toe. The problem with heels was solved with leukotape. Blisters on my little toe seem to form after about 7-8 miles of hiking on Day 1 and make hiking on subsequent days painful.

1) What do you do to deal with discomfort of a blister on the inside of your little toe (part next to toe #4)? Here's what I've done so far and it hasn't really helped: 1) wide toebox shoes 2) darn tough socks and thin sock liners 3) small amount of foot powder in the liner 4) tape around the little toe.

2) Any suggestions about how I might preemptively take precautions that will prevent blisters on the little toe. Should I NOT apply tape but instead apply lubrication (i.e. Vaseline)? Should I tape toes 4 and 5 together?

I'm wearing Altra Olympus shoes. They are sized appropriately and my foot is stable in them (not slipping in any direction). I have some very good reasons for using them and they really seem to work well and are not the cause of the blisters. I have other issues on this foot (MTP joint replacement) that the Olympus is well suited to address. The MTP joint replacement definitely has subtly altered my gait which could possibly be causing the blister formation on the other toe.

Looking for some good advice on both dealing with the blister "after the fact" while continuing to hike as well as prevention. Thanks for your help!
