Quote Originally Posted by 4eyedbuzzard View Post
So, it was just coincidence that KL sensed something was wrong? No, it wasn't coincidence. It was gut instinct. He didn't belong. Something wasn't right with this picture. People "profile" other people every day. Day in, day out. We all do it. Every. Breathing. Person. Even you. We can play a PC game and label it part of "unconscious bias". We can pretend to ignore it. But it never goes away. It's a survival instinct. The best we can do is to recognize it and not apply it in situations where it clearly isn't fair, such as in the workplace or legal system. But when it comes down to personal security, only a fool wouldn't trust his own instincts.
I agree totally. My guess is that you've read "A gift of fear" by Gavin de Becker. We have to trust our guts when it comes to people.