Does anyone else have this issue? I'm a small person and I'm more of a grazer. Rarely can I eat a large meal (especially after exertion) in one sitting. On my last solo hike I ended up with a Backpacker's Pantry meal (no diss to BP in particular) packet that was half full of a soggy spice soup, carrying that in my pack. I did somewhat better with a Mountainhouse Meal, because I cooked it at lunch and then finished it for dinner. It was a less liquidy meal so I was less concerned about spillage. Has anybody tried opening these sorts of pre-packaged meals and dividing them into two parts, prior to a hike? I hate to be stuck carrying that water weight...or risk a watery leftover meal spilling inside my pack. I'm all about making some of my own meals, or having the occasional Ramen, but sometimes a MH chicken & dumplings or whatever really hits the spot!