Quote Originally Posted by Nolan "Guido" Jordan View Post
The main sources of electrolytes are sodium, magnesium, and potassium. If you can get those in your diet, anyone will do great.
most people won't have a hard time getting enough sodium as they are eating a lot of premade foods. But magnesium and potassium are harder to get. 14 bananas a day to get all your potassium or 7-10 cups of leafy greens (to name a few). Avocados have more potassium but you still would need a couple (or more per day). I think canned sardines and nuts have lots of magnesium and I think dark chocolate does as well (not that milk chocolate). But even at home I supplement electrolytes and I have a very healthy diet (meat, fish, veg, berries, nuts, no processed foods).