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  1. #1
    Registered User Reid's Avatar
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    Default The Earth Is Young

    Disclaimer: This is hiking related, this big dust ball we call Earth is what we hike on. I can list thread after thread that are still open that have less to do with hiking than this.

    Fact: All scientists have the same information to start with but are interpreted differently. Depends on your starting point! Naturalistic or Biblical?

    Rapid successive deposition of sediments:

    Fossils believed to be millions of years old pose a serious problem. If an animal dies and lays upon the ground they will rot rather quickly. How then do we have fossils found in perfect form and in correct relationship to one another? Did this happen over millions of years and the soft flesh is still intact?? Or were they covered up quickly by rapid deposition of sediment...as if under water?

    The layers found in the Grand Caynon lay on top of each other yet have no erosional features. Would they not if they laid there for millions of years before being covered up? How do we find footprints in rocks? The time is supposedly takes to cover them up would also erode them! I step in mud today........it will erode. But yet scientists argue that this is the case. That raindrops and footprints found are covered up over millions of years. Is that a contradiction in itself?http://images.google.com/imgres?imgu...%3D18%26um%3D1

    Magic in the Marsh, scientists have found rocks in England that take a few weeks to form, as opposed to millions of years. Soft flesh animals are found in these very rocks as it has no time to rot before rock forms around it!

    Proven fact: Canyon lands spillway was created in a matter of days! Not millions of years!

    Creatures found in these layers you would expect to have dug down into the soil such as plants and animals, but yet they are found repeatedly to be going up, as if they were trying to escape layers being deposited on top of them.

    Polystrate fossils: Trees found with no branches or roots found in original upright forms THROUGH MANY LAYERS!! Did these trees sit there for millions of years while they were covered up millimeter by millimeter?

    Fossil Graveyards: Mass graveyards found today that show mass deposits of plants and animals all at once that fossilized rapidly to prevent rotting.
    This is contrary to the teachings that over millions of years rock layers were formed over the plants and animals where they fell
    Examples: Kargo Formation in Africa; Flourisant in Colorado; Agate Springs in Nebraska

    Fossil Record: Contrary to popular secular scientific belief, not one transitional fossil has ever been found. Darwin stated that in order for his theory to be true THERE MUST BE MILLIONS OF THESE!

    Oil Rigs that have dipped 5 miles into the earth, have found no evidence that the geological column is correct.

    Charles Lyell had a known agenda.

    I have stated these things briefly so as to ease the reader. I will repost a second thread soon that's more in depth and taking the above issues further and including but not limited to:
    • Helium in the atmosphere
    • Living fossils - Fossils thought to be millions of years old, then animal found alive and not changed.
    • Assumptions behind dating methods
    • Rates of decay and radiometric dating methods.
    • Original ratio of elements.
    • Sea salts
    • Diamonds, coal, and lava
    • Why a global flood is the only answer
    There is much left open here intentionally. I want to see who will bite on this. If you want to hammer me with the laws of non-contradiction I will pound you back with your own arguments. Most people will reject this to avoid the Wrath of God, our creator, and his holy demands - and explain it away. Thus leaving them with no accountability. Most people hike with at least some spiritual aspect, so why not speak the truth? I can't wait to beat all you naturalist over the head with my bible.

    Random facts:

    After Mt. St. Helens erupted........they said that the inner rock was formed 250 million years ago. But the lava only cooled 20 years ago?

    Army planes that went down in Greenland 50 years ago were found 250 ft. below the ice. Which scientists would say would take millions of years to form those layers of Ice

    According to scientists, the rate at which the earth is slowing its spin, We'd have stopped millions of years ago.

    Scientists have no idea how long it takes to form rocks. They have no OBSERVATIIONAL OR EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE! But these above statements are only made by observational and empirical, current states.

  2. #2
    Registered User jesse's Avatar
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jesse View Post
    I disagree

  4. #4


    while I find it an interesting argument, and it sort of is hiking related, it is politically and religiously charged and should be deleted. that or bring back the minnesota smith injury thread and let us whack that one around for a while.

    warrgy is a nutjob.

  5. #5
    Getting out as much as I can..which is never enough. :) Mags's Avatar
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    I am closing this thread now. It is obviously done to stoke a debate. These debates have NOTHING do with hiking and just make for a pissing contest.

    I will leave it on a humorous note.

    I did a hike about two years ago and saw this sign made "Biblically Correct".

    Last edited by Mags; 05-05-2009 at 14:14.
    Paul "Mags" Magnanti
    Twitter: @pmagsco
    Facebook: pmagsblog

    The true harvest of my life is intangible...a little stardust caught,a portion of the rainbow I have clutched -Thoreau

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