Self defense against? You said it - irrational fear. Unless specifically trained in using a knife for self defense, NO. You're not going to scare everyone off with the knife options you listed. Pulling a knife on another might actually result in someone else pulling a knife, gun, crossbow, slingshot, tuba, foot or fist on you.

Despite sometimes maybe never backpacking with a concealed sidearm for me it's most about situational awareness. Krav maga and taekwondo um maybe help... lol. I don't unnecessarily fret about it.

With today's tech and other resources it's made it harder to truly disappear. Very few have the resources to go off grid long term stepping 100% away from their previous life. Next time out, while laying in your sleeping bag look up. Satellite facial recognition. We see you. Dont assume that wall you're hiding behind, and certainly not nylon tent fabric, makes you a ghost either. Looking through walls is a reality. It's not in the future. It's being increasingly developed and utilized right now. China and the U.S. are some of the biggest players vying for global data surveillance and analysis. It has been known to even help get some elected or find people thinking they are hiding in caves.