My favorite and most memorable hiking experience of 2019 is a snow shoe/ ski trip to rutland, killington Vermont. It was my first snowshoeing hike, I was staying at the inn for a couple days so I drove up after working all day, drove all night arriving a couple hours before daylight so I took about a 2 hour nap in the car. Then when I could see enough I put on all my gear strapped my snowshoes on and headed up to pico camp. Though I think it's only 3 miles or so up man it took me 5 hours to climb up in wind, blowing snow. Crossing a couple of creek beds down and back up whew so tough! I kept losing the trail I remember thinking what the hell did I get myself into this time. But I made it up to that little cabin that was all chewed up from porcipine and had it to myself. The next day I snowshoed back down checked in the inn and snowshoed up the trail around the inn up to the overlook, very nice. Then on my birthday the next day I snow skied pico camp, which was -4 ambient temp that morning brrrrrr. What an experience that trip was totally out of my comfort zone but wow so worth it!!