Quote Originally Posted by SkeeterPee View Post
All of my posts / discussion has been about the restarting a self supported hike after the governors have reopened business and the trail closures have been removed by the federal/state parks. I am thinking this may happen by June. So you are responding to me, but not discussing the scenario i proposed if you are talking about today.
The first paragraph of my response is in answer to this quote. The rest is in response to this thread.

I can't speak for the rest of the trail, but Maine is not likely to open for hiking...for business...before June. We are in no way near our projected "peak" date. The virus is here. There have only been 12,168 reported tests (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/) run for the entire state of Maine. People are sick, but they can't get tested... Tourists think the low numbers of COVID-19 mean the virus isn't here. That is simply not true.

Many large, local, businesses are quietly telling their employees to not plan on being back to work until AT LEAST June, and that date is likely to be pushed back...again. The reason is simple: people are not staying home. They are not listening, are not quarantining as soon as they get to Maine. The tourists/summer people are arriving every single day. This will create waves, new "peaks" of the virus entering Maine. That will further delay the openings of parks, businesses, etc.

I absolutely understand the frustration of not being out on the trail. However, I do also feel it would be unethical for me to hike to another community, then another community...possibly spreading the virus along the way.

The reasoning (for me) is that in the rural communities people do not have the choice to go to the store, or their local post office. These are necessities, how they survive. They are not aimlessly shopping, they are not staying out any longer than is necessary. There are no delivery services for food...many don't have a mailbox in front of their house. Going to town is often done as little as possible these days, but the residents have to go sometime.

Hikers...people who are on vacation...do have a choice. They do not HAVE to enter the small, rural towns. They are choosing to fulfill their dreams, at the possible expense of others.

I do not live in fear. I live in reality. The fact is: Anyone can get sick from this virus. Maine does not have many hospital options for those who become very sick from this virus. You pretty much have Bangor and Portland. Yes, there are a couple of other options, but these are the major options...and very likely the places a hiker would be sent. There are limited beds. There are a limited number of ventilators. If a doctor has to choose between a young hiker, and an elderly resident, who would they choose? Would it be ethical for a person who is choosing to be on vacation to take away a hospital bed from someone who lives in that state, someone who did not venture out of their community? No need to respond - it is a question for people to ask themselves. That is why some decisions have been made with regards to the trail. It is more about looking at the big picture.

It sucks to have to forgo plans. I can't think of anyone who hasn't given up something because of this virus. Personally, I think that if hiking is the only thing a person has to give up for a short time...they are very lucky. There are many who have lost their lives to something that has been called a "simple" virus and nothing to worry about.