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Thread: Wild life !

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNI64 View Post
    That's something happens just about every trip in the woods is them grouse they like to wait until you're right up on them then they'll jump up and fly away ,startles me every time.

    I was hoping a certain someone on here would respond considering he used to live in a tipi and take 3 weeks trips, spends alot time in the woods probably got some good animal stories. But I'm not gonna mention any names.
    We saw several grouse when we did the Mahoosucs in September 2020. Some flew off in a flurry. Others quietly walked away on the ground. One hopped up into a tree right on the trail and only about 6-7 feet up. Got some really good pictures, and one of our group TOUCHED it!

  2. #22
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    One of my favorite not-so-wild wildlife stories comes from my one and only WB journal entry:

    In Sept of 2009 I did a dayhike from Newfound Gap to Charlie's Bunyan (8 miles round trip). As I passed Icewater Spring Shelter 3-miles in, I saw a large bird walking around in the clearing. I didn't try to get close, and I was in a hurry to finish my hike before it got dark, so I went on. On the way back, I stopped for a few minutes, got much closer and identified it as a peahen. Nope, not a wild turkey or a grouse, but a peahen, a domesticated animal who had no business in the middle of the Smokies. I returned with my daughter the next day and some gear and we attempted to lure her into a net. We weren't successful. Returned the following weekend with different gear, set up a 3-sided mesh fence with a net roof, and very patiently (in a light rain) fed her some grain I had brought. She was pretty hungry, and had apparently been surviving off of hiker handouts. It took quite a while, but I finally lured her inside the fence and under the net. I quickly threw something across the entrance to herd her further inside, then a couple guys from the shelter came over and helped me get her secured in a mesh sack I had brought to carry her in. Somebody held her while we packed up our gear, then the two of us carried her in the dark 3 miles back to the car. (If I include the initial trip, I walked 20 miles for that bird!)

    Brought her home and put her in with my chickens for three weeks. Named her Indira, or Indy for short. When I was sure she understood where home was, I started letting her out to free-range with the chickens for a while each day. Didn't take long before she disappeared. Asked a few neighbors. Somebody said they saw her hanging out with the wild turkey flock that roams in our area. Somebody else mentioned neighbors with a peacock, so I went to see them. There she was!! She had a boyfriend! That summer they hatched a few chicks, and I still see her now and then.
    Just to be clear, except for shelter mice and mosquitoes, I do not harass wild animals, and I would never even think about trapping a wild animal and taking it out of its natural habitat. She would have died without our intervention.

    this story was quite a few years back. She and her boyfriend are not there anymore. Probably predators of one kind or another ..

    One more story:
    I have a small mixed flock of poultry. Their ramshackle pen has varying levels of security against predators, with one of the more secure being the "back pen" which has a 2x4-inch wire fence covering. A small hawk must have worked for days widening a small opening between two rows of the covering. Somehow it had gotten in through a hole not much more than 3-4 inches in diameter. Killed one of my pullets.
    But then it couldn't get out. So I arrived to find my terrified birds and this hawk. After taking some pictures, I opened a section and herded it out.

  3. #23
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Wow that's one beautiful bird , I'm surprised a wild bird like that allowed a human to touch it!

    I was hoping a moose story/pics would come in .

    Thanks much !!

    That's is a pretty awesome peacock story as well , one lucky bird you care......

    I really need to graduate from dung beetle to bigger and better wild life!!
    Last edited by JNI64; 12-17-2020 at 09:42.

  4. #24
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    I was snowshoeing Vermont and stayed in the old ski cabin on pico Mt and there was moose tracks everywhere but didn't get to see one.

    The cabin had a latch on it and lots of chicken wire everywhere because of the porcupines come in and chew all the wood up .
    They really did a number on that place. I guess there teeth keep growing like a beavers does ? Didn't get to see the porcupines either darn it!

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by JNI64 View Post
    Wow that's one beautiful bird , I'm surprised a wild bird like that allowed a human to touch it!
    I was hoping a moose story/pics would come in .
    Thanks much !!
    That's is a pretty awesome peacock story as well , one lucky bird you care......
    I really need to graduate from dung beetle to bigger and better wild life!!
    Dung beetles are cool. Haven't seen one in a long time. Used to see them a lot where I grew up in Oklahoma.

  6. #26


    Seeing wildlife has been one of the highlights of my AT section hiking. I've come across bears, rattlers, grouse, deer, a bald eagle, a moose, a skunk, a vulture, a baby ring-necked snake and probably lots of other creatures. When I encounter wildlife, the thought occurs to me that we are all sharing the same planet, trying to feed ourselves and raise our young. It's a calming thought, for me at least.

  7. #27


    I saw these ferocious wild boars in north Georgia.
    Last edited by gpburdelljr; 12-17-2020 at 17:43.

  8. #28
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gpburdelljr View Post
    I saw these ferocious wild boars in north Georgia.
    Awe , they look sooo cute little and tasty !

    You never seen mamma? I reckon that's is when we might hear about a wild boar attack, if someone is to close her babies?
    Last edited by JNI64; 12-17-2020 at 19:27.

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Five Tango View Post
    Armadillo under my hammock that sounded as big as a MOOSE in the dark! Also got yipped at one night sitting around the fire by what was either a fox or coyote I think.
    Lol, where was this encounter?

  10. #30


    Saw this baby on a day hike in South Africa


  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by LazyLightning View Post
    speaking of beetles, on at least 2 separate occasions I came across a group of a few beetles that were devouring the carcass of a mouse, bones and all. I literally saw half of the mouse eaten off and the beetles going at it. My only other thought was if a snake bit a chunk out of the mouse but they usually eat it all and I saw this more then once. I have pics somewhere I'll try to find them.
    The most horrific thing I ever saw in the "nature red in tooth and claw" (though neither were involved) was a group of ants eating a freshly hatched (probably immature) bird, writhing around helplessly one morning heading into work. When I headed past again in the evening, only the bones were left.
    (Ed. S)

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by JNI64 View Post
    Lol, where was this encounter?
    This was on private property locally but I ALMOST stepped on a copperhead on the Approach trail a couple years ago and the time I did the same trail the year before we encountered a timber rattler that would have been a problem had it not been about 8 feet or so off the trail.

  13. #33
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    Here are a few viper pictures from a hike this past spring. Both were taken within a short time of each other.
    First one is a pair getting friendly.

    Next is a friend having breakfast.

  14. #34
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    Talk about the right place at the right time for a photo op!

    Between the Blackburn trail center and the David Lessoner shelter is the biggest Rattlesnake Den on the east coast.
    That guy Steve Erwin that got killed by that stingray did a show on it and filmed a big ball of snakes mating, I think something like 20 male snakes on 1 female? Poor female snake doesn't stand a chance!

    I used live very close to here and spent 100's nights in those woods and know exactly what out crop of rocks where this is.
    I wanted to go up there and try to film myself but couldn't find anyone to go with and stand back just in case .
    I had one guy at work that said he would but he was known to talk alot and sure enough when the time came he said hell no!!

    Another case of the empty can rattles the most!!

    Just felt better having someone else there, I'm a lil crazy but not stupid. Right, right .........

  15. #35
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    One of my very few concerns while out with the wild life is a rabid animal.

    I think it was last year or two years ago a hiker in va had to kill a rabid coyote with his knife.

    That would really suck and be a very difficult thing to deal with.
    A very large coyote, fox,wolf,wolverine,skunk , etc with rabies in attack mode!!

    , I guess some animals are not prone to rabies?

    Like bears which is a very good thing, can you imagine a 1,000 lb Grizzly with rabies or even a black bear with rabies, out of its mind trying to kill everything in sight!

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by HankIV View Post
    Saw this baby on a day hike in South Africa

    God forbid this thing gets the rabies disease!

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by zelph View Post
    While sitting against a tree relaxing, I saw a very large tom turkey being stalked by a very large coyote. Both walked out of sight, don't know the outcome.
    A buddy of mine was out hunting and they witnessed a coyote chasing down a deer sooooo, they shot the coyote and let the deer live.....

    WV there's always open season on coyote.

  18. #38
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    I ran into to my wife once, that was enough wild life for me. Got grounded for a week!

  19. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by JNI64 View Post
    One of my very few concerns while out with the wild life is a rabid animal.

    I think it was last year or two years ago a hiker in va had to kill a rabid coyote with his knife.

    That would really suck and be a very difficult thing to deal with.
    A very large coyote, fox,wolf,wolverine,skunk , etc with rabies in attack mode!!

    , I guess some animals are not prone to rabies?

    Like bears which is a very good thing, can you imagine a 1,000 lb Grizzly with rabies or even a black bear with rabies, out of its mind trying to kill everything in sight!
    Rabid animals are more likely to be lethargic and slow, than put on the hollywood version. Although thats probably why dumb people have problem,,,
    "Oh look at the cute little critter just hanging out,,let me pet it",,,, chomp. Still a wild animal after all.

    Strange behavior is a redflag, and approaching humans, or not running off is pretty strange for most wild animals.

  20. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dropdeadfred View Post
    Rabid animals are more likely to be lethargic and slow, than put on the hollywood version. Although thats probably why dumb people have problem,,,
    "Oh look at the cute little critter just hanging out,,let me pet it",,,, chomp. Still a wild animal after all.

    Strange behavior is a redflag, and approaching humans, or not running off is pretty strange for most wild animals.
    Years ago a neighbor was having a party ,they lived on the Shenandoah River and their little girl and another was playing on the bank and a rabid beaver ran up and attacked her biting her and not stopping until some guys had to come down and beat it to death. Of course they called animal control and DNR and had the beaver tested.

    Poor little girl had to go through all them shots and have surgery on her hand.

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