
I am currently planning my thru hike of the AT. A big part of the planning is around the budget. I have never completed a thru hike, so I would appreciate feedback on my budget outline.

A few things to consider:
This is just an estimation to get an idea.
I am not in a hurry to finish, nor am I on a tight budget.
I am estimating this on the idea of taking about 170 days to complete. This includes 20-25 zero/nero's.
I am not a big drinker, but I will have a drink here and there.

With that, I am budgeting about $12,000. Here is the breakdown:
$3,375 - FOOD ($15 per day on Trail + $45 per day in town)
$2,400 - LODGING (~$85 per night - I plan on staying mostly in hotels - I also hope to use some hotel reward points for some free nights)
$1,500 - EMERGENCY FUND (Injuries, extra zero days because of injury or weather, etc.)
$900 - HEALTH INSURANCE (~$150/month)
$750 - GEAR (I have a decent gear set up, but I am sure I will end up changing/replacing something AND this includes 4 pairs of shoes)
$690 - AT HOME COSTS (Cell phone, Spotify, etc. (~$115/month))
$690 - MEDICINE (I have a couple Prescriptions and take a couple Vitamins (~$115/month))
$500 - TRAVEL TO/FROM AT (I may end up driving, so this may go down, but it includes things like: Airplane, Ubers, shuttles, etc.)
$500 - MISC. CASH (Cash for random things (donations for angels, permits, etc.))
$480 - STORAGE UNIT (I will not have a home while hiking. All of my belongings will be kept in a storage unit at about $80 per month)
$175 - FUEL ($7 per canister)
$125 - LAUNDRY ($5 per load)

SO....what do you think?
Too much?
Did I forget something?
Am I way off in one category or another?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.