It won't be a couple of days. To file the initial report, sure. But then the prosecutor will want you to be available for 6 rounds of questions. The defense will want 12 rounds of questions. Every time you are not responding for several days (Because you are hiking somewhere hundreds of miles away) the defense will be telling the judge about that you are not responding to them so please dismiss this or reduce it to a fine. Then if it does go to trial, you will again be expected to be present. It's not right that there isn't a better recourse in this situation.
I've been dealing with three estates these past three years. It took a month to even get before the judge to start one probate.

There was a similar situation about 10 years ago. The woman tried everything, including police involvement. She finally "Left" the trail to get away from the stalker. Nothing else had worked. It was months later when it came to light that her and several of her trusted trail family had actually jumped ahead a few hundred miles. They had to quit all postings on all sites about where they were at, family only knew. They even changed all their trail names. No trail registry entries, no Facebook, or Youtube. Total radio silence that would make the CIA proud. They then went back and did the few hundred miles they'd jumped past. Meanwhile the stalker took up harassing another woman hiker.