If you're a thru-hiker on the A.T., there are some stories that get told, re-told, and embellished. And this can become a problem because if you're hiking in any kind of "bubble", you're hiking with mostly the same hikers while new people are catching up to you and others are passing you.

So eventually your trail family will get sick and tired of hearing the same stories over and over again getting told to new people in the group.

Some stories I never get tired of hearing, like the infamous "Baltimore Jack, Death, Decay, and the Doyle" story where he discovered a corpse in Duncannon, PA. Or the various Grandma Gatewood stories, which are still fascinating to me no matter how many times they are re-told. Or maybe it's a story about a famous place or establishment on the trail, or about a crazy person encountered on the trail.

What trail stories are you sick and tired of hearing on the trail and wish would be retired permanently?