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  1. #1
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    Default Looking for Thru-Hike group to hike with (mid-April)

    I have he opportunity to hike the AT this year and I am looking for a group to do the full Thru-Hike with. I am in my 40's and would like to find others in my age group to hike with, but I am open to hike with any age group if my pace fits your planned pace. I plan to start Mid-April and complete the full thru-hike. My planned pace will be starting out at around 10 miles a day for the first week or two then ramping up to 20+ per day pace.

    If anyone is interested please feel free to reach out.

  2. #2


    After the first week or so, you will be in North Carolina, and I doubt you will be doing many 20+ mile days there. 20 mile days come farther up the trail. As for hiking with a group, those form on the trail as you go. You can check the ATC website to find out how many have registered their start date around that which matches yours. That will give you an idea of how big a pool of potential partners there will be to form a group with. If others have the same pace as you do, you will start to see them every day at shelters or tent sites and will become familiar faces.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  3. #3
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    Anderson, South Carolina


    It's difficult to find a group unless you have friends or family that you already know. Just the same this is a meet - up forum. I have been looking for a group myself or even just a hiking partner. Its hard to find. One thing to take in consideration is that the other hikers in your group may only want to do 10 - 15 miles a day when you want to do 20. You have to be flexible to hike in a group. You can hike the entire trail in one season only hiking 10 miles a day. It is important to remember this when you want to go the extra mile but your group does not want too. LOL.

    Another consideration is quality of your hike. Realize that everyone has a different way of hiking. To group hike, you have to be very inclusive of other styles. I have hiked with people that were spoiled rotten affording everything and others who still hike with a can of beans. It's really hard to buy a steak at the local grill when your hiking partners are heating up some $1.00 rice sides. LOL. Just giving you something to think about.

    I offered to pay for my sister to hike the trail with me the year she was laid off work, but she refused the opportunity. It always has been my luck to hike alone. It doesn't mean that I have to like it. I do hope you find someone. I wish I could afford a hiking partner now. I have friends now that would jump on an opportunity to go on an all-expenses paid hike.

  4. #4
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    I agree with everything Slo-go’en wrote. I will be starting in Georgia in mid-April as well, but in the third week of July, I plan to flip to Baxter State Park and hike South. After the first few weeks of developing my trail legs, I hope to average 14-16 mile days, except where the terrain permits more miles or requires fewer.
    There are several Facebook groups that you may want to follow where people post their start dates and ask questions/offer advice. Happy hiking!

  5. #5
    Registered User Grampie's Avatar
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    Default looking for a group

    Quote Originally Posted by VPGhost View Post
    I have he opportunity to hike the AT this year and I am looking for a group to do the full Thru-Hike with. I am in my 40's and would like to find others in my age group to hike with, but I am open to hike with any age group if my pace fits your planned pace. I plan to start Mid-April and complete the full thru-hike. My planned pace will be starting out at around 10 miles a day for the first week or two then ramping up to 20+ per day pace.

    If anyone is interested please feel free to reach out.
    As a past thru-hiker I would recommend the following: Don't be concerned about starting alone. There will be plenty of folks starting at the same time you start. Be a little outgoing and start to know your fellow hikers. You will soon be able to pick out people that have things in common with you. You will soon start to travel with folks, and this will lead to new and lasting friends. These groups will soon become your "trail family." If the first group you meet doesn't work out, take a zero-day, new hikers will come along and start again to find new friends.
    The trail is quite fluid. Hikers hike at different paces with different hiking styles. Some get a early start and quit early. Others start later in the day and hike until dark. Whatever style you become you will soon find others with the same interests and goals. These new friends will be everlasting.
    I thru-hiked 22 years and still have friends I met on my journey.
    Happy trails.

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