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  1. #1

    Default Two LASHs plus a road walk and a thru

    I've been plotting all Winter. Soon a long standing personal joke will be unleashed on the long distance hiking community. I have squared the circle and joined the Long Trail with the Cohos. They said I was mad. It couldn't be done. But in the footsteps of the human centipede guy I have inserted a section of the AT on one end along with a really bad idea road walk on the other.

    A little something I call the Longhos Loop

    Is this a good idea? No, probably not, but I'd like to think Alfred Jarry would appreciate the joke. Can't wait to watch people setting FTKs on this route in a few years
    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

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    Trailspace Reviews

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    northern whites


    I am surprised you didnt tie into the Cross NH trail that ties to Coos trail Pondicherry NH and the Cross VT trail. I guess it would make a shorter loop.

  3. #3


    I looked at that as a possible replacement for the AT section if the snow was going to be too deep. There was that stretch a few months back when the snowpack suddenly bloomed and I was getting nervous. Can you camp anywhere legally along that trail or are you supposed to find shelter off trail?
    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

    YouTube Channel
    Trailspace Reviews

  4. #4
    Registered User
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    northern whites


    I do not know the official policy in NH, people are camping along the NH section but there are some areas particularly a few road sections where it would not be practical. The majority of the route is on former railbeds that the state of NH purchased and unless the state posts it otherwise its legal to camp. The VT section is still under construction and I am not aware of their regulations.

  5. #5


    I have been conditioned to be wary of camping just anywhere because the top end of the Cohos Trail is almost all private land. Gotten used to asking first They really stress following the no wild camping, no fires rules because they are afraid they will lose a section if an owner gets mad. After years of plopping down where I pleased in the Pemi it seemed strange to have to plan your camps, but those road walks suck so I totally get their point.

    I noticed you talking about this new multi use trail on VFTT as well. Are you thinking about hiking it when they get VT sections completed? I've followed the CT on the rail trail from Pondicherry to the cut over to the Owls Head path and you certainly do get nice views on an open trail like that. Lots of sun exposure though.
    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

    YouTube Channel
    Trailspace Reviews

  6. #6
    Registered User Slugg's Avatar
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    Hey Lone Stranger, enjoyed the video and look forward to hearing about how the hike goes. I think this kind of unique route creation stuff is really cool and interesting.

  7. #7


    Boxes have begun to be handed to friends for on trail delivery and prepped for mailing. Very dry out there so have to see if the water holds out. Gonna hold off on sending the later boxes in case I have to come home early.





    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

    YouTube Channel
    Trailspace Reviews

  8. #8


    Today is day 21 of the hike. So much rain but there's been a few days of sun this week. Looking like rain is back on the menu for a while.

    Laying in my hammock before morning coffee on the Long Trail but videos from the AT section are posting every morning on YouTube. Here's the first to get you started. I think day 7 is out today so you have some catching up to do.

    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

    YouTube Channel
    Trailspace Reviews

  9. #9


    Finished the 57 day loop on Saturday. Funny that I was worried about water supply before the hike and then it rained for most of the two months Thankfully I seemed to always be a day ahead or behind the serious flooding. Saw some damage, but was never in danger of being washed away.

    Here is the playlist for the entire hike. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?lis...XxgI60KQtbPeuk

    The final days are publishing this week and then I will be posting the newly recovered days from the Long Trail. GoPro freaked out and ate 11 days of very pretty trail which was tragic. Then I was able to recover the data once I got home which was both a surprise and a joy!

    Amazing adventure despite the weather. So many wonderful people out there, on trail and off. Some terrible ones too, but the folks who stopped to offer me water on the road walk overshadow them by far. Also very nice to spend so much time alone. The AT section was busy, the LT section less so and then I was pretty much alone until the last week or so when I hit the Kilkenny and the Whites.

    Only home a few days, but I can hear that tiny voice asking where we're going next and when are we leaving. Think I'd better go do some trail work before thinking about that!!
    “The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait until that other is ready...”~Henry David Thoreau

    YouTube Channel
    Trailspace Reviews

  10. #10
    Registered User Slugg's Avatar
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    Congratulations on completing your route! I started watching your videos but decided after a couple they spoiled too much of an area I’ve yet to visit, but I enjoyed them.

  11. #11
    Registered User
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    Central CT


    I don't watch many videos where I have not been yet either but I was thinking about you during all that crazy rain. Cool trip, can't wait to do the Cohos and complete Long Trail some day, hopefully not too far away.
    nobo 2018 March 10th - October 19th
    I'm just one too many mornings and 1,000 miles behind

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