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  1. #21


    I learned the hard way a long time ago that sleeping bag ratings are the temperature that you will be utterly miserable. Your bag is not the place to try to cut weight or save money IMO.

  2. #22


    No stats, just experience rolling with EEs for a decade. A 40deg EE quilt starting May 15th, perfect.
    * Warning: I bite AND I do not play well with others! -hellkat-

  3. #23
    There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't.
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    Rhode Island


    I bet you will regret the 40f setup a few nites. June, July, August from VA to VT...I'd go for it. Get your winter gear in Glencliff.

    I've learned my two pound, 35f bag is neither of those things after one week.
    Give me a mile of trail and I can show you the forest. Give me a mile of runway and I can show you the world.
    Long Trail Completed 2021.
    Collegiate Loop 2022

  4. #24


    Okay, I’ll lever off this thread. Sectioning Springer to Fontana in July. 40F should be plenty, right


  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by HankIV View Post
    Okay, I’ll lever off this thread. Sectioning Springer to Fontana in July. 40°F should be plenty, right?
    Based on comments above and weather data I think a 40°F bag/quilt would be fine but generally warm so camp high. If you own a 50°F bag, take it plus maybe an extra morning layer?? The average low temperature for July 1 is 11°F warmer than May 15 , is 13°F to 21°F warmer than Oct and holds steady throughout July.
    Anybody with July experience on the AT in the south?

    Now for too much information.
    Data from Weatherspark.com for Gatlinburg Airport (~1000', ne of Fontana, just north of SMNP)

    "July high temperatures are around 83°F rarely falling below 77°F or exceeding 90°F. Daily low temperatures are around 65°F, rarely falling below 58°F or exceeding 69°F. " (note: these temps in today's warmer world may be 2°F higher)
    The absolute lows for all of July at Gatlinburg for the last five years starting in 2019 are 57, 65, 59, 67 and 62 (=62 ave).

    Shelter altitudes (whiteblaze) vary from 4900' to 2300'. Subtracting 12°F and 4°F suggests at 4900' the coldest night for all of July for the last five years would have been 45, 52, 47, 55 and 60 = 50°F average but at 2300' only a 58°F average. Using adjusted(+2°F) monthly averages suggests the average low at 4900' might be 55°F and at 2300' might be 63°F.

    And more gobbledygook.

    Postholer.com suggests that the average low of the coldest spots for section 1 and 2 (split at Hiawassee) are 58°F and 55°F.

    For average temperature changes with altitude, I now use -3.1°F/1000' calculated from average temperatures on top of Mount Mitchell compared to Asheville.
    This is ground level data as opposed to the -3.5°F/1000' which is atmospheric data. At some point, I guess I can compare more data from shelter weather predictors at different altitudes in more varied weather. The shelter predictors don't have historic predictions.

  6. #26


    Thanks Daybreak! Plenty good enough for me.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by HankIV View Post
    Thanks Daybreak! Plenty good enough for me.
    With pleasure. Let us know when you get back how many nights you were out, and the particulars of your coldest night(s). (clothing, sleeping set up, location, Temp??, and how hot/cold you were)

  8. #28


    I sleep cold so personally I’d bring a liner with that setup

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