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  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by HooKooDooKu View Post
    +1 on FB complaints...
    In addition to the crazy randomness of what FB shows you, I'm sick and tired of FB sending me a Notification that someone has replied to a comment I've made, and I click the link and it just takes me to the conversion, and now I'm supposed to FIND my post in a conversation with 1,000 replies, and you only get to see about 20 at a time (and you don't know if your reply was a top level reply or collapsed in some sub-response.
    If you can tell me I have a reply, why can't you just take me to the reply???
    Unfortunately, for collaboration and getting questions answered, it seems the ease of creating groups in Facebook means that's where the "action" is currently located.
    +∞! This drives me nuts! When friends and I are planning events we use FB events and then people respond to random comments and it's impossible to find the spot the response was made. This is something I think would be helpful here but the software as far as I know doesn't bring the user to the reply. I know other forum software can do it. It is something that would be helpful as it promotes engagement significantly. Currently the software will only note there was a response to a thread. It is something I will look up and discuss with ATTroll.
    "Sleepy alligator in the noonday sun
    Sleepin by the river just like he usually done
    Call for his whisky
    He can call for his tea
    Call all he wanta but he can't call me..."
    Robert Hunter & Ron McKernan

    Whiteblaze.net User Agreement.

  2. #62
    Registered User kythruhiker's Avatar
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    Still lurking from time to time...from the old AT-L mailing list, to Trailplace, to Whiteblaze. From handwriting Baltimore Jack's resupply guide out to learning from Lone Wolf it was just walking - lots of knowledge has passed through these hallowed but overly moderated walls these many years.

  3. #63
    Registered User
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    West Chester PA


    The inactivity worries me!
    Something has happened ,not sure what but hikers do not show or lost interest in hiking.. My biggest redflag is YouTube where some of my favorite channels haven't posted in years and some just went offline(MyOwnFrontier) really sad!
    Maybe the same thing is happening here as well. I will NOT follow a channel where they show ass/tits click bait TheTrek has become like also.. ***! What has happened to good ole hiking!
    Last edited by Fëanor; 05-31-2024 at 17:42.

  4. #64


    I hope to be here as long as I am here….

    I still have the free “HYOH” stickers if anyone needs one.
    Want a 'Hike Your Own Hike' sticker?... => send me a message <=

    Favorite quote;
    Quote Originally Posted by sailsET View Post
    My guess is that you are terribly lost, and have no idea how to the use the internet.

  5. #65


    I wouldn't let inactivity during the busy spring and summer months be a concern. Many people are out doing things, graduations, weddings, vacations, and a lot of stuff in-between that typically shows up in spring, carries through summer, and ebbs in Autum.

  6. #66
    double d's Avatar
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    Chicagoland, Illinois


    WB has and will always be a great webpage for those who wish to share in our love of the AT, hiking and or just a place to visit and read what hikers are doing
    and thinking. Keep up the great work WB, as usual in life, things change and we all have to adapt to those changes.
    "I told my Ma's and Pa's I was coming to them mountains and they acted as if they was gutshot. Ma, I sez's, them mountains is the marrow of the world and by God, I was right". Del Gue

  7. #67
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    Message boards are dying. I am 47. I started posting on college football message boards in the late 90s (Hook 'em Horns). I am still on one message board that I have been on since 1999. It is mostly people in their 40s and older. Very few people in their teens to 30s are on message boards. I like them better than Reddit or video social media. But younger generations do not.

  8. #68
    Registered User JPritch's Avatar
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    I agree. A few other message boards I belong to have all but died out. Most lost to Facebook.

    My issue with Facebook is that it's basically become 'post a photo for quick hit gratification' content. No engaging posts really. The AT group for example is full of people who walked a couple miles from a trailhead to snap a photo at a popular spot, or garner 1000 likes from a thru-hike announcement (funny, I never see finish photos from these folks). But god forbid ask a valid question, and the moderators swoop in and tell you to use the search function.

    I know more and more folks grow weary of social media every day, so I really hold out hope that people begin to migrate back to message boards. I still have close friends that I made in the aughts on a fishing forum. Seemed much more personal back then, even though we all had aliases.
    It is what it is.

  9. #69
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    I found this place in 2015 when I first set foot on the AT for a day hike and probably read every new post and most of the older posts over the course of the next couple of years. Not sure I have even opened the site in the last 5 years as FB groups and Reddit captured more of my attention. There are a lot of good stories and trip reports here that are somewhat of a time capsule. I even recognize some of the usernames still, lol.

    Speaking of, a few months back I was looking for some info on the MST and saw a few posts from Dogwood over on Reddit. If I recall he was a long time poster here who split time between Georgia and Hawaii and had hiked many thousands of miles across the country and was always big on the idea of just getting out in the wilderness and putting one foot in front of the other, the "acronym trails" were not the be all end all. He could pound out a 1000 word reply in almost any thread that included not only hiking advice but life nuggets. I looked him up on Reddit and here at WB and it did not seem like he had posted on either in years. Does anyone know what happened to him? I hope he is just out enjoying the non-digital world and getting some miles in rather than the alternative. If you still lurk here Dogwood, I appreciate you and hope all is well.

    Back on topic, I have been in a few other forums over the last 20 years and most have either completely died off or are just a shell of their former selves. That is the nature of technology and social media. There does seem to be a small resurgence in the forum format over the last year or so as people have tired of the censorship/trolling/data harvesting of sites like Facebook and Reddit.

    One little rant, especially if WB wants to increase membership. I forgot this login existed and tried to register a new account the other day. WB may have the worst registration experience I have ever seen for a website. Biggest annoyances were asking for location (both residential and where I was signed in), making me retype in the password twice every time the registration failed, and one of the rotating security questions was "what is the shape around the WB logo", lol. Diamond? Tilted square? Other? Oh, and after I eventually got everything keyed in correctly they would not accept my email address because it was not from a pre-approved data harvesting email company like Gmail or Outlook. I realize those measures are designed to prevent bot/spam accounts but after 10 minutes of failed attempts to register an account I said screw it, and assume that others do too. Then I found this login saved in my password manager so here we are again.

    Thanks to all the old heads here who made this place a great community back in the 2015-2018 era. Hopefully WB makes enough to keep the lights on forever so the wisdom and experiences shared here live on for future hikers.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDB1 View Post
    Message boards are dying. I am 47. I started posting on college football message boards in the late 90s (Hook 'em Horns). I am still on one message board that I have been on since 1999. It is mostly people in their 40s and older. Very few people in their teens to 30s are on message boards. I like them better than Reddit or video social media. But younger generations do not.
    Spot-on. Yes, I think WB is dying, and that's too bad. There's a collective wisdom lost on non-forum social media, which is a pity.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by WTX2WY View Post
    I found this place in 2015 when I first set foot on the AT for a day hike and probably read every new post and most of the older posts over the course of the next couple of years. Not sure I have even opened the site in the last 5 years as FB groups and Reddit captured more of my attention. There are a lot of good stories and trip reports here that are somewhat of a time capsule. I even recognize some of the usernames still, lol.
    Speaking of, a few months back I was looking for some info on the MST and saw a few posts from Dogwood over on Reddit. If I recall he was a long time poster here who split time between Georgia and Hawaii and had hiked many thousands of miles across the country and was always big on the idea of just getting out in the wilderness and putting one foot in front of the other, the "acronym trails" were not the be all end all. He could pound out a 1000 word reply in almost any thread that included not only hiking advice but life nuggets. I looked him up on Reddit and here at WB and it did not seem like he had posted on either in years. Does anyone know what happened to him? I hope he is just out enjoying the non-digital world and getting some miles in rather than the alternative. If you still lurk here Dogwood, I appreciate you and hope all is well......
    I had a private exchange with DW around the time he left. He expressed frustrations with both WB and Reddit over conflicts with moderators and issues with forum functionality. I was sorry to see him go also. He had a lot of good information and experience to share.

    Even Facebook isn't what it used to be. There was a time when people used FB to interact with friends. All I use it for these days is to laugh at the memes and get/give info in the groups.

  12. #72
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    Backpackinglight.com is dying also. Pandemic has taken it's toll

  13. #73


    Where is slogoin? I have not seen him post in quite some time.

    Update: I looked his profile up, he is still posting a bit, just not like he use to.
    Trail Miles: 5,265.4
    AT Map 1: ✔ | 13-21'
    Sheltowee Trace: ✔ | 20-23'
    Pinhoti Trail: ✔ | 23-24'
    Foothills Trail: ✔ | 24'
    BMT: 168.3
    CDT: 210.9

    GSMNP900: 134.7
    AT Map 2: 279.4

  14. #74
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    Even the thread about Kristian Morgan's current record attempt is getting much less traffic than those from a few years ago.

  15. #75
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    In 2019 I moved to within 10 miles of the AT. So I thought I could do some shuttle driving. I did a few but not in the last couple years.
    Looking back and counting threads in the "Trailheads and Shuttles" forum over these 5 1/2 years, based on latest reply, the decline is steep:
    2019 - 57
    2020 - 39
    2021 - 35
    2022 - 19
    2023 - 15
    2024 -- 2 so far

    In the General forum it looks like this:
    2019 : 1003
    2020 - 568
    2021 - 443
    2022 - 263
    2023 - 179
    2024 -- 85

    Since we are less than half way thru 2024, there's no dropoff from last year. If we count Replies or Views, it may be still different.
    Even so, less than 20% the number of threads that were done just 5 years ago.
    Last edited by Mike Goodman; 06-08-2024 at 21:00. Reason: adding

  16. #76


    Have any dancing banana stickers?
    Termite fart so much they are responsible for 3% of global methane emissions.

  17. #77
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    does Lone Wolf post here on WB any more?
    always liked his wit and good tips

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Praha4 View Post
    does Lone Wolf post here on WB any more?
    always liked his wit and good tips
    sometimes. i've mellowed

  19. #79
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    Default The End Goal in Mind.

    It is important to remember what we are trying to accomplish here. Do we need more members or do we need experienced members to be more proactive in inspiring White Blaze interests in our communities? You could have 10 members sign up tomorrow and by next week one or none are posting on forums. We need to be the change not the complaint. I am all about sponsoring and mentoring.

  20. #80
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    2019 was a good year. There was a lot of community on the trail. Trail is losing community. How will we bring it back?

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