Has anyone used this? Is it worth getting?
I see it is a 2000 edition and they are in the process of making a new one. Technology has changed a lot in 7 years, so it might be worth it to wait until the new one comes out.
Has anyone used this? Is it worth getting?
I see it is a 2000 edition and they are in the process of making a new one. Technology has changed a lot in 7 years, so it might be worth it to wait until the new one comes out.
Got it, and last I saw it was much cheaper now that when I bought it. For printed maps it is lousy (or is for me), but the text descriptions alone are worth it. It has the full text of all of the section guidebooks. Granted, now 7 years old, but still mostly correct. I copy and paste these into Word, edit them as needed, and then print these and carry along instead of the books. Very handy.
Rev. Arthur M. Yates
General Evangelist
You can have mine if you want it. Send me an off-line email.
I'm not using it.
Toothless, when you gonna post a podcast again. Man I enjoyed your show. I had to go back and re-listen to most all of them while you be off-air. Great to see you are still here.
CT Dave,
I do own a copy of it and do see that it could be valuable tool for some people but not all. Yes, it was developed in 200 however on his website, http://www.barker-innovations.com/ you can download all the recent updates (updated for this hiking season) for free. Besides having a lot of the same info (raw, abbreviated data) you'd find in the Data Book and/or the Companion, I like it because you can quickly get an idea of what and where you will be for planning purposes. Yes, I know that ones' schedule constantly changes along the trail, at least when people ask when you'll be as such and such location (because they have to fly from say the west coast or another country) this provides a good guesstimate, immediately.
Also, I like the idea of supporting someone in creating this or any decent tool in our community... always fun to see what they do with these projects when a little financial support comes back.
Rev. Arthur M. Yates
General Evangelist
I spoke to Laurie Pottiger(sp) at the ATC office on Tuesday the 8th and asked her about the Trail mate and if it was going to be updated. She told me that it wasn't.
I blew her mind when I walked in and greeted her by name. She was like who the HMMM are you and how do you know my name hehe. Then I told her who I was and then she was like oh hehe. Plus the fact I had my Whiteblaze shirt on that helped.
A Fact Of Life:
After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says;
W T F...............
-.- -... ...-- ... -.-- --..
Rev. Arthur M. Yates
General Evangelist
Rev. Arthur M. Yates
General Evangelist