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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sly View Post
    You still haven't posted any common sense rules. I think most people are quite aware of their surroundings on the trail, and the possible presence of evil.

    Nothing is going to prevent future killings on the trail or off. Your solution is also a feel good approach.

    I did say that several idea were posted here on Whiteblaze, I have also said in other threads that a person should consider a firearm. But it seems many don’t like the idea of people having the right to carry a gun and protect themselves. You seem to not like a reminders with helpful ideas put up at various spots around the trail. And as you say, we can do nothing about it. People will just have to be good little sheep and accept the occasional rape and murder and get to like it and understand they are powerless to stop it.

    Personally I think I will try to do something about the bad guy if he comes at me or my family (A gun and situational awareness). But as you posted you feel you must just take it, please feel free to do so.

    Like I said in my first post in this thread, I knew others would attack, and that is OK, but I had hoped some good besides a few symbolic stickers on a few water bottles would come from this debate. But I see that will probably not be the case.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob S View Post
    Yes I do, at all trail heads and in shelters have a metal plaque (Bronze or something that will not rust and endure time) that has simple common sense ideas on how be safe on the trail. Lots of good ideas have been posted here lately, use some of them. And have something saying “in memory of Meredith” at the bottom. This way you are giving out use info that may actually save someone’s life in the future. It shows respect for her memory and it actually has some use beyond a feel good moment. It and her memory will last a lot longer then a sticker on a water bottle.

    PS It’s not that I don’t like the sticker, it’s that I don’t see it really doing anything positive to prevent other woman from being raped and murdered. To me action always will be better then symbolism. Good will is great, but it does nothing with out action.
    And asking for a sticker to be sent to you and then sticking it on a water bottle does nothing. But the plaque would.

    A plaque is a great idea. Are you working on getting them made up as we speak? Approaching the appropriate authorities to get permission to post them at trailheads? Footing the bill out of your own pocket? Contacting people to erect them along the whole 2,175 (6?) mile Appalachian Trail and other trails?

    If you answer no to any of these, how about quit slamming Fishin' Fred's idea. At least he is doing something in remembrance and doing it NOW.

    There are any number of things that can be done as a memorial and to help remind people to be aware. It doesn't mean that they can't all be done.

    Now, go to it and get your plaques installed and let the rest of us carry on with remembering Meredith and spreading awareness by using Fishin' Fred's stickers. Let us all know when your plaques are ready. I'm sure you will get a lot of volunteers here to help with the effort.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob S View Post
    Personally I think I will try to do something about the bad guy if he comes at me or my family (A gun and situational awareness).
    Don't forget when you make the plaques that you have to take laws and regulations into account. There are many trails in areas that carrying guns and other weapons are prohibited.

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Bob S View Post

    Like I said in my first post in this thread, I knew others would attack, and that is OK, but I had hoped some good besides a few symbolic stickers on a few water bottles would come from this debate. But I see that will probably not be the case.
    Bob you're the one that came out attacking in your 1st post.

    If I'm not mistaken there's already trail safety awareness signs.

    See River's post above and rather than make people here feel bad, do something.

  5. #45
    http://www.facebook.com/themissjanet Miss Janet's Avatar
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    Default When do you pull your gun?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob S View Post
    I did say that several idea were posted here on Whiteblaze, I have also said in other threads that a person should consider a firearm. But it seems many don’t like the idea of people having the right to carry a gun and protect themselves. You seem to not like a reminders with helpful ideas put up at various spots around the trail. And as you say, we can do nothing about it. People will just have to be good little sheep and accept the occasional rape and murder and get to like it and understand they are powerless to stop it.....
    I guess you are saying that this would not have happened to Meredith if she had a gun? When should she have pulled the gun out?? When the scary old man first spoke to her?? There are lots of scary old... harmless... men on the trail. How was she supposed to know he was different from most other human beings? And then what was she supposed to do? Make a citizens arrest because he was creepy? or go ahead and shoot him just in case he might be a bad guy?? Do you walk around with your hand wrapped around the grip of your gun with the safety off and your finger on the trigger... just in case?? We are assuming that he did nothing to warn her that he intended to hurt her as they walked along that day. It is assumed that he surprised her suddenly and violently... HOW would a gun have helped? Maybe it would have made her feel better... safer...?? She would have been just as protected carrying a water bottle with a sticker on it... This of course is my opinion.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Janet View Post
    I guess you are saying that this would not have happened to Meredith if she had a gun? When should she have pulled the gun out?? When the scary old man first spoke to her?? There are lots of scary old... harmless... men on the trail. How was she supposed to know he was different from most other human beings? And then what was she supposed to do? Make a citizens arrest because he was creepy? or go ahead and shoot him just in case he might be a bad guy?? Do you walk around with your hand wrapped around the grip of your gun with the safety off and your finger on the trigger... just in case?? We are assuming that he did nothing to warn her that he intended to hurt her as they walked along that day. It is assumed that he surprised her suddenly and violently... HOW would a gun have helped? Maybe it would have made her feel better... safer...?? She would have been just as protected carrying a water bottle with a sticker on it... This of course is my opinion.
    I agree. It would seem the predators make their prey comfortable before surprising them.

  7. #47
    But I believe, yes I believe, I said I believe
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    Plus, you are not allowed to carry weapons on large portions of the AT.


  8. #48


    Not only the National Parks but the state parks and if you're carrying across state borders you need a license for them too.

  9. #49
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    there's a lot of stuff you're not "allowed" to carry. but that means nothing to lots of hikers

  10. #50

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sly View Post
    Not only the National Parks but the state parks and if you're carrying across state borders you need a license for them too.
    what about your pot?

  12. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by L. Wolf View Post
    there's a lot of stuff you're not "allowed" to carry. but that means nothing to lots of hikers
    I realized that. However, if you're caught with a gun without a license the penalties are usually harsher than a bag of weed.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sly View Post
    I realized that. However, if you're caught with a gun without a license the penalties are usually harsher than a bag of weed.
    i've been on the AT 22 years. never heard of anyone getting arrested/fined/caught/jailed for a handgun. plenty of dopers have been busted though.

  14. #54

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sly View Post
    Not only the National Parks but the state parks and if you're carrying across state borders you need a license for them too.
    Most states offer what is called reciprocity laws. Meaning they recognize carry permits from other states, allowing you to use one permit from your home state.

  15. #55
    Registered User Dances with Mice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Wolf View Post
    there's a lot of stuff you're not "allowed" to carry. but that means nothing to lots of hikers
    Yep. You are absolutely right. Last month I removed a flammable chemical (denatured alcohol) from its original container and poured it in a container not approved for that purpose.

    You know what's even worse? I also took several tablets of prescription medicine out of their containers and placed them into an unmarked ziplock baggie without a copy of the prescripton.

    I carried both across a state line in my auto and then in my backpack. There are several crimes I could have been charged with.
    You never turned around to see the frowns
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    When they all did tricks for you.

  16. #56
    Registered User Frolicking Dinosaurs's Avatar
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    ::: Dino peeks over trifocals and hopes this thread will return to its topic :::

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Janet View Post
    I guess you are saying that this would not have happened to Meredith if she had a gun? When should she have pulled the gun out?? When the scary old man first spoke to her?? There are lots of scary old... harmless... men on the trail. How was she supposed to know he was different from most other human beings? And then what was she supposed to do? Make a citizens arrest because he was creepy? or go ahead and shoot him just in case he might be a bad guy?? Do you walk around with your hand wrapped around the grip of your gun with the safety off and your finger on the trigger... just in case?? We are assuming that he did nothing to warn her that he intended to hurt her as they walked along that day. It is assumed that he surprised her suddenly and violently... HOW would a gun have helped? Maybe it would have made her feel better... safer...?? She would have been just as protected carrying a water bottle with a sticker on it... This of course is my opinion.
    Good post Miss Janet.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Wolf View Post
    what about your pot?
    So how does carrying pot help with self defense?
    Last edited by River Runner; 01-13-2008 at 20:30. Reason: change wording

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by River Runner View Post
    So how does carrying pot help with self defense?

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by L. Wolf View Post
    Exactly. So why bring it up here?

    Oh well, I'm going to try to do as Dino suggests and bring it back to topic.

    Fishin' Fred's efforts are really appreciated. Doing anything at all in remembrance of Meredith and personal safety awareness is better than any grand ideas that never get off the ground.

    Grand ideas are great, but it takes action and implementation to make a difference.

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