No, that's not a skirt I'm wearing in that picture w/the funny hat- its a Mountain Hardwear Hiking KILT[B]! I just wanted to share my enthusiasm for this great piece of gear!
I bought my kilt at Neel's Gap and hardly took it off for 6 months.
In fact, now that I am home shorts and pants feel almost restrictive.
So there are a couple of good reasons to wear a Kilt as opposed to shorts. You can change clothes in front of anyone and not have to worry about finding some privacy. Its very easy to "take care of business" out in the woods. It reduces chafing, and on windy days on a ridge line it....well lets just say it makes "the boys" really happy.
Now granted you do get some funny looks in town, but that just adds to the appeal. Most people think thruhikers (or hikers in general) are crazy so why not have fun with it?
I know what you guys are thinking..."I am NOT wearing a skirt!"...
well all I can say is don't knock it till you tried and believe me when I say that chicks dig it!
The mtn hardwear kilt is pretty pricey, but it does last very well, mine has not a rip or tear in it after all those miles.
I have also found another kilt website at that has kilts for all occasions that come in actual tartans. I don't know much about them yet, but I am buying one and will let you know what I think when I get it.
Anyway, just thought I would let all y'all know about some options instead of just following the main stream and wearing shorts.
I know that I will NEVER hike in shorts again.
so remember,
life is good, WEAR A KILT!
Trail Yeti
ps-for the girls mtn hardwear makes a hiking skirt if you want...I heard some complaints that their kilt doesn't "fit" women since y'all are anatomically different.