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A Complete Appalachian Trail Guidebook.
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  1. #1

    Default How to deal with missing the trail...?

    Hello to all the 07 folks! After finishing the trail Bucket and I spent about a month back at home in Michigan before loading our cars up and moving to Portland, Oregon.

    What have ya'll done to deal with missing the trail? I imagine doing a long distance hike again soon, but, that isn't a plausible reality for at least 2-5 years. I am hoping a good weekend long hike out here in the cascades once some better weather comes around towards spring will help the psyche. Any advice from prior hikers too?

    We have done no hiking since we finished the trail, though we work out in a gym profusely.. I think about the trail every day, replaying the memories, remembering details, and painting the sweaty, tired, long hard slogs up countless hills with a golden tinge.

    I MISS YOU, TRAIL (..rocks, roots, animals, weather, views, diet, sense of daily accomplishment, tent spots, trail lingo, and of course, friendships)

    -Water, of Bucket & Water

  2. #2
    ...your worst nightmare!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matteroo View Post
    Hello to all the 07 folks! After finishing the trail Bucket and I spent about a month back at home in Michigan before loading our cars up and moving to Portland, Oregon.

    What have ya'll done to deal with missing the trail? I imagine doing a long distance hike again soon, but, that isn't a plausible reality for at least 2-5 years. I am hoping a good weekend long hike out here in the cascades once some better weather comes around towards spring will help the psyche. Any advice from prior hikers too?

    We have done no hiking since we finished the trail, though we work out in a gym profusely.. I think about the trail every day, replaying the memories, remembering details, and painting the sweaty, tired, long hard slogs up countless hills with a golden tinge.

    I MISS YOU, TRAIL (..rocks, roots, animals, weather, views, diet, sense of daily accomplishment, tent spots, trail lingo, and of course, friendships)

    -Water, of Bucket & Water
    First, you should change the location in your profile.

    Then, since you're on the "Left Coast" now, you should go check out the PCT...

  3. #3


    oh, it was high on our mind as we moved out. we're checking it out and will certainly do some sectioning where possible... : ) I think a thru of it is 3-5years away minimum.

  4. #4
    ...your worst nightmare!
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Matteroo View Post
    oh, it was high on our mind as we moved out. we're checking it out and will certainly do some sectioning where possible... : ) I think a thru of it is 3-5years away minimum.
    You might want to consider the Wonderland Trail, too.
    (It wouldn't take nearly as long to complete...)

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Marta's Avatar
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    There are always weekends and holidays. The distance between Friday afternoon and Monday morning is HUGE if you have hiked a bunch of miles and slept outside.

    I'm using some weekends to explore areas that are not part of long trails, such as the non-AT parts of the GSMNP.
    If not NOW, then WHEN?

    ME>GA 2006

    Instagram hiking photos: five.leafed.clover

  6. #6
    Merry Hikester
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    1. Don't shower for a week MINIMUM
    2. Take your backpack, Fill it with bottles of beer.
    3. Start walking in the direction of your nearest forest.
    4. Drink the beer while walking in one direction.
    5. Don't turn around until the beer is gone and you are lost.
    6. Pass out under a log.
    Hope this helps....
    Hobo Joe

  7. #7
    Registered User hammock engineer's Avatar
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    Water, I stayed with you 2 in Lincoln.

    I am going through all of the same issues. My problem now is I need to get a job and get some money coming in. But do I get a real job or just another no nothing job to bring in some money.

    If it helps I am planning the next long hike. Hopefully I can swing a month this fall and 2 months next year. Through I'm not feeling the draw of the PCT over other trails.

    I determined that there are 3 things I miss the most. The quietness with all the time to think, seeing and experiencing new things constantly, and the conversations. No one seems to really talk anymore. All my friends and family are in a hurry and seem to have 10 things going on at once. When hiking there were not the distractions and people would actually talk about things.


  8. #8
    AT 4000+, LT, FHT, ALT Blissful's Avatar
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    Yes, it's time for Springer Fever!

    I'm planning to go back in 2011 with my hubby. So that helps some.

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    Shenandoah NP Ridgerunner, Author, Speaker

  9. #9
    modern gypsy sloopjonboswell's Avatar
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    hey guys! pike county here. i know how your feeling. im not over it by any means but heres some things ive done to try and feel better.
    -walking in the park after dark, or even when its raining, short hikes with ma boots.
    -meeting up with/staying in touch with other 07ers
    -plotting my upcoming trail days escapades
    anyway, good to see your names pop up on here. if I were in the northwest, id wanna hit the beach section of the pacific north west trail. water, you could always hunt mice with your hiking poles. hope everything is going well. take care yall!
    hey hey, my my

  10. #10
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    materoo, 1st I like hobojoes ideas that might work. I too miss the trail and there is not a day the doesnt go by that I dont think about the A.T. So I have been going back and doing trail magic and hiking some of my favorite parts of the trail. You can get pretty good flights cheap if you keep your eye out. Even if its just for a long weekend.

  11. #11
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    I'd have to agree with Hobojoe, hiis idea would probably make me feel like I'm back on the AT again, lol. On a side note I'm right with you Matt. Ohm and I are really missing the trail and are craving a PCT thru-hike even though it is probably very unlikely. I have gone out hiking a few times and it is just not the same as thru-hiking, it's just not as fun ending back where you started from. I don't really have any advice, more or less just wanted to say hi to you and Bucket.

    P.S. I found another Bucket, she is in the movie 2000 miles to maine but she is crazy and isnt as cool as the Bucket we all know
    "The best way to spend your life is to build something that will outlast it."

  12. #12


    I also miss the trail. We have moved to northern CA and joined a hiking club. We hike every saturday. It helps, I also hike the mountains near out home daily. I miss much about the trail, the people, the physical exercise, being in the woods. I feel I have changed but not sure how to put it in words. Nice to hear how some of you we met are doing. You are a wonderful group of young people, I do wish I could hear Dr. Ziplock sing 500 miles, I miss him. Any one know where wolf taffy and lion are?

  13. #13
    Registered User weary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matteroo View Post
    Hello to all the 07 folks! After finishing the trail Bucket and I spent about a month back at home in Michigan before loading our cars up and moving to Portland, Oregon.

    What have ya'll done to deal with missing the trail? I imagine doing a long distance hike again soon, but, that isn't a plausible reality for at least 2-5 years. I am hoping a good weekend long hike out here in the cascades once some better weather comes around towards spring will help the psyche. Any advice from prior hikers too?

    We have done no hiking since we finished the trail, though we work out in a gym profusely.. I think about the trail every day, replaying the memories, remembering details, and painting the sweaty, tired, long hard slogs up countless hills with a golden tinge.

    I MISS YOU, TRAIL (..rocks, roots, animals, weather, views, diet, sense of daily accomplishment, tent spots, trail lingo, and of course, friendships)

    -Water, of Bucket & Water
    Get involved in trails and land protection. Join a local land trust. Join a local trail maintaining club. The Appalachian Trail exists because thousands of people worked hard to create it and to maintain it.

    Similar work needs to be done where ever you are. Get busy and do it. Trails are meant to be used. But for that to happen they also need to be nurtured and cared for.


  14. #14


    good to hear from all of you : ) I figured everyone would miss the hike in their own ways-a lot of us sound like we wish we could recapture the experience. I've been listening to some shows from trailcast.org and the more I digest it, it seems your first hike will always retain a specialness that can't be beat. So, guess I gotta take that with me on whatever the next steps are.

    Pike, good to hear from you. I liked your suggestions - we certainly are getting plenty of dark, rainy time out here in the PacNW. Have you been able to go to the GA section of the AT? Also I liked your blackhole post about putting your tent up in the shelter. :P

    Promise Keeper are you getting more sunlight down there in NoCal? Good to hear from you too. : ) Thanks again for saving our map when we left it at the deli! the only one we ever misplaced. You two have had a lot of adventure after a long time in iowa, huh?

    Hey 1/4 Moon - Bucket is wondering what you and Ohm are up to. We'd enjoy a PCT try too but just have to focus on padding our resume and figuring out how we'll make money now and down the road. She says hello and wonders if you two have any pictures with her in it/with you & ohm. She has an account here but isn't a fan of talking trail on the computer

    Coffee-did you come with us when we got pizza or-I don't specifically remember you but we were in lincoln for a few days cause my father met us there and quite a few people came in and out of Chet's place.

    Bucket starts her new job tomorrow with a non-profit and I'm still doing temp. work. We're looking to get a 2bedroom place out here so people can VISIT with ease. Triple-Deuce is working in Alaska but comes down to Seattle for meetings so we're going to try to meetup with him some time. I wonder about a lot of folks whos e-mails we don't have. And as always, I wish we took more pictures with PEOPLE. : ) Keep in touch 07'ers!

  15. #15
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    Matt, I think i've got a few photos with Bucket in them, got an email? I've got my old job back and Katie and I are palnning our wedding for April 09. Ohm is working some engineering job and is back in his own little world! I wish you both the best. Keep in touch, 9/36 moon

    Promise Keeper, good to hear from you as well. I know what you mean, i miss sitting around the fire listening to Ziplock and Nitro sing and play. Good times on the trail. Did you and Oorah make it to the big K? hope you are doing well. 4/16 moon
    "The best way to spend your life is to build something that will outlast it."

  16. #16
    Registered User Pootz's Avatar
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    1/4 Moon, M&M and I miss the trail very much. It was great hiking with you and Olm. Are you 2 planning to go to trail days. If your there make sure you look up M&M, Evil Eye and me.

    Thru hiking was a great experience. The thing that I find the hardest is that I feel like a stranger at home. The trail changed me and while I was gone I missed out on all of the things that happened at home. It has taken me much longer to get back into everyone's life than I thought. I am still working on it. It is amazing how things change when you are gone for 6 months. I have found that really relying on friends and telling them about my feelings has helped.
    Pootz 07

  17. #17
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    Matteroo, you've got lots of great trails and mountains out in OR. Quit your whinin'. Most of these pix are from OR or southern WA.

  18. #18
    Registered User The Professor's Avatar
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    I've joined the Florida Trail Association and do some hikes/maintenance with them, but it is not the same. I write a bit about the trail and the outdoors, but that only makes me miss it more. I'm not in touch with as many 07 people because I did a flip-flop, and met most of you crossing paths as I was heading south/you north. but I do talk to JB a lot, since he is in my family's home town (Suffern, NY). He just finished the PCT and will do the CDT next season.
    I went to trail days 2008 and saw monkey and cocoa, as well as some other 07 hikers. Did hardcore, hiked through the Grayson Highlands and the Shenandoah again.
    I'd like to do either the PCT or a NOBO AT hike in 2010, if my job and financial situation allow it. I do miss the trail, and the wild in general. Living in a small apartment, and going to a job just feels wrong.
    The Professor
    Flip-Flop 07
    South Florida Outdoor Recreation Examiner

  19. #19


    Hi all, really miss the trail, this time of year you just want to pack up and get started. Oorah and I will be hiking the Tahoe Rim Trail for 10 days beginning July 3. Looks like this should be plenty of time for about 16 miles a day. Anyone want to join? Start day is somewhat negotiable. We are planning on the PCT in about 2 to 3 years we hope!

  20. #20


    I was told once to try to figure out what it was I loved about thruhiking, and figure out alternate ways to get that good feeling. If it's being outdoors - then go hiking, plant a garden, maintain trail, etc. If it's the challenge - then train for a marathon or triathalon, study for a degree, write a book. If it's the comradery - then join a community - a church, a social organization, a volunteer group, etc. Work together with folks for a common cause. Go to the Aldha-west Gathering or the Rockies Ruck. Teach a backpacking class, etc.

    Nothing is quite like thruhiking - but there are ways of spending time outdoors besides doing a long hike. Go for walks as often as possible, learn to kayak, rock climb, bicycle. Go out to eastern Oregon or down the coast (away from the snow) to go backpacking. If you make it a priority, you can find ways to get what you need.

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