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  1. #21


    That's the power of love

  2. #22


    I agree that you have to really really want a thru-hike to make it happen. Really REALLY. Not just the hike itself, which is exhausting in addition to exhilirating (for some), but the whole re-arranging of the home life that has to go on to make the first step off Springer.

    I think the wise suggestion mentioned earlier was good: plan an easy, eye-popping overnight with lots of payoff, in good weather. Followed by longer and longer tastes of what such a life might be like. Give reality time to take a bite.

    You'll know soon enough the reality of the situation, and after experiencing the hiking life, if he falls in love with it - great! And if he decides it not for him, he might be familiar enough, and okay enough with it by then to let you go on alone. To be GLAD to let you go on alone.

    I thought Skids' question about knowing what his dreams were/are was germane as well, though I respect your decision not to discuss it publicly.

    However it shakes out, I wish the best for the both of you. Heart to heart honesty is always better than emotional blackmail, if the long run is important. I think your original post showed some rueful awareness of that.
    "The Ordinary Adventurer"

  3. #23
    Registered User
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    Toledo, Ohio


    One thing I would be concerned with (as others have said) is lack of backpacking experience for him.

    I would think it’s in both of your best interest to get out and do a few shorter trips this summer to see how it goes.

    I would also talk about and have a plan if he doesn’t want to continue the hike after you start. (I can’t imagine a first time backpacker doing a through-hike and not having thoughts of dropping out.) He could drop out for a while and pick up again at a point down the trail when you get to that point and do some more of the trail with you. I would also plan on hostels as a way of relieving some of the trail stress for both of you. A little bit of civilization goes a long way to improve ones outlook.

    The more you work through this stuff now, the better prepared for it you both will be if it happens. And the better for your relationship & hike will be.

  4. #24


    GREAT!!!! I'm so glad you're pursuing your dream, AND with your husbands best wishes and support-that's a plus! Glad he is going to experience the trail with you. There is nothing like it in the world and it's something you both will remember for the rest of your lives!!! Now you can share the quality time together you may need. This will clear both your minds and souls before you return home, that's a promise. Very spiritual and cleansing experience. I'm so haaaaaappppyy for you both!!!!
    Happy Trails!!!

  5. #25
    GA - Central PA 1977
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    I am very happy that you are so happy and I really hope all works out well and both you and your husband have a lifetime of memories.....BUT.....You did say:

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanya View Post
    By the way, hiking is not his thing at all, at least not this kind of hardcore hiking. So it's not like we could it together. It would have been my solo adventure.
    I have to worry about his sudden wanting to do something that seemed so against his nature...I would suggest you both start doing a lot of day hikes and things together
    Sometimes you can't hear them talk..Other times you can.
    The same old cliches.."Is that a woman or a man?"
    You always seem out-numbered..You don't dare make a stand.

  6. #26
    Musta notta gotta lotta sleep last night. Heater's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Tanya View Post
    This morning my husband suggested that we do the whole thing, GA-ME, together in 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think this is one of the happiest mornings of my life!!!!!!!!!

    I'm already planning a day-long shopping trip to the local REI!
    thank you all for your moral support and wisdom.

    Hope to see on the trail next summer.

    happy trails to all of you,
    That's good news!

    But... Don't go buy all your gear in one day at REI. Not a good idea.

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