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Thread: Class of 2011

  1. #61


    Already counting the days huh It'll be here before you know it.

  2. #62


    Quote Originally Posted by dradius View Post
    Already counting the days huh It'll be here before you know it.
    Yea! It looks like 774 days until April 1st. It will be here before we know it.

  3. #63


    Quote Originally Posted by Phipps023 View Post
    looking to start in may 2011 nobo, would start sooner but wont be out of college until than, any other late starters?
    Hey Phipps023:
    Where is Hartville, OH?
    I'm originally from OH, but I'm not sure where Hartville is.

  4. #64
    Registered User Rockhead's Avatar
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    Default The Rockhead Savings Plan

    I have come up with thee way to save for the AT or EAT as the case may be. IT requires two years and the ability to not spend what you have saved. It's simple, most of us who are thru-hiking in 2011 have close to two years before we leave
    (718 days for me) You simply save $1 the first week, $2 the second week and so on, increase your savings by one dollar each week and after 104 weeks you will have saved $5460. Combine this with the quater savings plan (everytime you get one of the state quarters with an appalachian trail state on it, save it for the trail) and my additional plan of saving $2 for everyday that I work
    (I work two jobs and I hate one of them, factory work) results in another $10-12
    a week. So following the Rockhead savings plan results in $6000+ in two years. I know this plan won't work for everybody, but its the least painful way I've found to save for the trail. Let me know what you think.

  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Rockhead View Post
    I have come up with thee way to save for the AT or EAT as the case may be. IT requires two years and the ability to not spend what you have saved. It's simple, most of us who are thru-hiking in 2011 have close to two years before we leave
    (718 days for me) You simply save $1 the first week, $2 the second week and so on, increase your savings by one dollar each week and after 104 weeks you will have saved $5460. Combine this with the quater savings plan (everytime you get one of the state quarters with an appalachian trail state on it, save it for the trail) and my additional plan of saving $2 for everyday that I work
    (I work two jobs and I hate one of them, factory work) results in another $10-12
    a week. So following the Rockhead savings plan results in $6000+ in two years. I know this plan won't work for everybody, but its the least painful way I've found to save for the trail. Let me know what you think.
    I like your "Rockhead Savings Plan" and I'm going to try it. Hopefully it won't conflict with getting bills paid.

  6. #66


    Just thought I'd bring this thread to the surface again to let other prospective "011ers" know we are here.

  7. #67
    AT 4000+, LT, FHT, ALT Blissful's Avatar
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    Yes, we were talking about how I need to start getting hubby in shape - he is going to do six weeks with me from ME south. But I am still tentative on a full SOBO thru as I'm waiting to hear on work and book contract schedules.

    Hiking Blog
    Shenandoah NP Ridgerunner, Author, Speaker

  8. #68
    Registered User Rockhead's Avatar
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    I was thinking about planning a 2-3 day hike in the Monangehela Nat. Forest for June. I work weekends so I was leaning towards a M-W hike, however, if any WBers, especially any from OH/IN/PA would like to get together for the hike, or know of another interesting spot, I can do a weekend hike. I was thinking of the Otter Creek wilderness area, been there a couple of times and its the right size to knock off some of this winter rust.
    Last edited by Rockhead; 03-10-2009 at 10:29. Reason: left out word

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Rockhead View Post
    I was thinking about planning a 2-3 day hike in the Monangehela Nat. Forest for June. I work weekends so I was leaning towards a M-W hike, however, if any WBers, especially any from OH/IN/PA would like to get together for the hike, or know of another interesting spot, I can do a weekend hike. I was thinking of the Otter Creek wilderness area, been there a couple of times and its the right size to knock off some of this winter rust.
    Hey Rockhead I might be up for that. I'll see what I can do to join you. Right now I'm working with a guy doing some construction and we usually don't work weekends but it the weather forecast out here looks bad for that time slot, I may just knock off for it.
    Need the work to keep my "Rockhead Savings Plan" going, don't you know.

  10. #70


    Having just read a few entries over on trailjournals from the Class of 2009 hikers, I just had to bring this thread back up, after all for some of you you'll be starting two years from this date.
    As for me, I'm hoping to start down on the Pinhoti Trail with Rockhead round about Feb. 14th or so.
    I still would like to have an April 1st start date on the AT so I may find myself having to slow down on the PT.
    With the weather getting nicer I long to be out hiking somewhere instead of working getting ready for 2011, but I will keep my priorities in order with hopes of making the Big Trip.

  11. #71

    Default Class of 2011

    I just wanted to bump this thread forward again so if there were any of you thinking about hiking the AT in the near future (like 2011) now that the weather is getting nicer and you're getting out doors, you'll see that we'll be out there with you.

  12. #72


    Quote Originally Posted by Gorp-Gobbler View Post
    Just thought I'd bring this thread to the surface again to let other prospective "011ers" know we are here.
    WOW!!! In just two days we'll have just two years to wait.

    FAR OUT!!!

  13. #73


    Even though I hope to start down on the Pinholti Trail around Feb. 14, 2011 it is now "Eggactly" (2) TWO Years before I hope to be on top of Springer Mountain.

    As of now I'm closer to fullfilling my dream than I've ever been. I've tried 4 or 5 times to do a Thru-Hike but something has always happen that prevented it from happening.

    So to all of you who plan on starting April 1st, let the countdown begin.

    Good Luck and I hope to see you all out on the trail.

  14. #74
    Registered User Mr.President's Avatar
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    Hello everyone, Im glad to meet some people that I might meet on the AT. My friend and I are plan a thru hike april 1st 2011. I would love to any kind of advice to help me prepare better. thanks

  15. #75
    Registered User Tucky's Avatar
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    I'll be doing a SOBO hike starting in mid-June in 2011. At this time I should have gotten my master's degree and would like to take time to hike the trail before more graduate school or finally starting to work (hopefully more graduate school!).

    Hope everyone's preperations are going well.

    - T

  16. #76


    Looking over the posts on this thread I see that there is only one older then me that will be hitting the trail in '011'.
    That's okay though, I just want to do it.

  17. #77


    Well said. I'll be 52 turning 53 on the trail. I've wanted to do this since I was a teenager and first heard of the trail.

  18. #78
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    Ima try dat '11 ting by golly .. gotta get the gear and da plans all made, not ta mention savin da money so my fiance doesn't hafta pull da bills all by her lonesome .. lol, if i left it up to her, i wouldn't have a place to come back too

  19. #79
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    i am planning for 2010 but don't think I'll have the money so 2011 it should happen. I wanted to do it this year as I turn 50 in May. O well, have to wait a year or 2.

  20. #80


    After hiking a section of the Tecumseh Trail here in Indiana this past weekend and with no more then I had in my pack, I know that several hikes with a weighted pack will be required before setting out on the AT.

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