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  1. #41
    Registered User Engine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siler View Post
    Let's watch the blame game and the innuendo here. None of it is helpful. I'm sure there will be a proper assessment by those involved in the search when this whole thing is over.
    I don't sense that anyone is pointing fingers, just expressing frustration over what appears to be possible faults in a response system. As a member of the emergency services community and a former SAR volunteer I feel we need to review lessons learned to avoid future repeated mistakes. I don't think any individual carries any blame for a tardy response, but the system might need review.

    In any event, I am sincere in my desire for a happy ending to this.
    “He is richest who is content with the least, for content is the wealth of nature.” –Socrates

  2. #42


    Keep in mind guys, this was a fairly decent hike for most folks, roughly 75 miles. It started and ended at Peaks of Otter or Reeds Gap with two teams, one headed northbound and one headed southbound. Ken was on the southbound team. The southbound team was tasked with dropping off the northbound team, then heading to Reeds Gap and walking south. The northbound team was tasked with picked up the van at Reeds Gap, and picking up the southbound team at the northern point of entry. Of the 18 people who went, only 7 finished. Those who didn’t finish were expected to find their way off the trail on their own and even find their way home if they weren’t going to wait for the group to finish on Tuesday. Everyone hiked at their own pace and at their own discretion. No one was babysitting one another and this was widely understood. This was merely a time for individuals to get out on an AT hike and if we were able to all make it to the same points at the same time, then we’d all be able to participate in the hike together, at least at the end of each day. It was not uncommon for hikers to be hours behind one another. There were even times when some stayed at different shelters simply because that’s where they ended up. This again, was expected. Like most of us, Ken came alone and was expected to look after himself and participate where he could with the group. Not speaking for the group, but I’m not sure if anyone knew he had a visual impairment until we hiked with him for awhile as I don't believe anyone knew Ken personally. Despite this issue being known as the hike progressed, Ken told many people in the group numerous times that he was plenty able to do things on his own and actually got quite agitated when people attempted to help him in any way. Simply put, Ken is an experienced hiker who claimed to have hiked roughly 75% of the AT already and has numerous other hiking accomplishments under his belt. He made it quite clear that he was responsible for himself – as we all were.

    Ken was believed to have dropped out over the weekend or merely continued on a slower pace as this was the last time a team member saw him at the Punchbowl Shelter. When the trip concluded late on Tuesday night and everyone gathered at the collective van, those who remained did a head count as best they could and exchanged information on who they knew left the trail. Keep in mind, there was no central point to advise when someone left. Simply, when someone decided to leave, they told whoever was within earshot and hoped for the best. If no one was within earshot, then the individual was still free to go and I think most would assume a general level of responsibility to leave a note on a car or voicemail in this case…unless that person was angry with the others or didn’t have the means to leave this communication. When no one heard from Ken at the end of Tuesday (the end of the trip when everyone who remained got back together), his absence was reported to the local Rangers merely for due diligence and it was believed that he likely found another way home if he indeed had left over the weekend (2-3 days earlier). Telling the Ranger to look out for him was merely the right thing to do, not an acknowledgement that he was indeed missing as others had also left early. For those who know Ken, they know he is fiercely independent and it wasn’t beyond the realm of possibilities that he simply went home or decided to hitch a ride and go to town. Keep in mind, all signs pointed to the fact that he left the trail over the weekend because he continually lagged behind and was otherwise in good condition when a team member coming from the opposite direction passed him with two days remaining on the hike. Those who remained on the trip until the end traveled home on Tuesday night after making a report to the Ranger. Wednesday was spent with folks attempting to track Ken down, see if he made his flight, and touch base with his family to see if they had heard from him. Again, these were not efforts to find a “missing” person, just to locate Ken who was believed to have made his way out on his own and perhaps his cell phone didn’t have any reception or power or perhaps he was still hitching a ride out as others had. As far as I know, no one on the trip was close friends with Ken, so tracking down information outside of his immediate cell phone and e-mail didn’t come easily. Towards the end of Wednesday, it became somewhat apparent that Ken might be missing when efforts were unable to locate anyone who had heard from him. At that point, efforts to contact SAR and law enforcement authorities and even post information on web forums initiated. This was less than 1 day from the end of the hike. It spiraled on Thursday with the word getting out and initial searches were started. Friday will likely involve a much more vast and organized search effort.

    Basically, I want to point out that it isn’t helpful for people to jump to conclusions or make incorrect assumptions that something wasn’t done timely. Flatly, this is irresponsible and obnoxious and surely doesn't help anyone. Everyone on the trip was a responsible adult with experience under their belt. As soon as there was a possibility of Ken’s whereabouts being unknown, efforts were made to check with family and anyone else to get the ball rolling. This started immediately at the conclusion of the trip and has continued every day since.

    Despite my long narrative, I do not have any intent on being the spokesman for this effort as I do NOT know all the facts nor do I have a personal relationship with Ken. I’m also learning of facts as you do, I just happened to have some greater insight than others in certain areas. As I mentioned, I left the trail early while Ken was still hiking. I only started learning about the concerns with Ken on Wednesday when information was being sent between the people who left early and were already home and the people who just got home and were further checking up on Ken. In the end, everyone is concerned for Ken and no one treated the absence of him lightly.

  3. #43
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    That section of the AT is definitely not easy for a visually impaired hiker. I was with a group in the Hog Camp Gap to Reed's Gap section a few years ago that included a visually impaired hiker. He had a rough time of it and he and a couple of his friends ended the hike early and hitchhiked out.

    I hope that Ken is quickly found, and that all turns out well.

  4. #44


    I am sure someone has thought of this, but you mentioned he has an Iphone, does he have the tracking APP. I have the G1 which shares a lot of identical apps and one of them allows your friends to go online and see where you are exactly. Just a long shot,but I thought I would throw it out there in hopes that he turns up safe and sound

  5. #45
    One Small Section at a Time Frau's Avatar
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    Nessmuk's report: roughly 150 people searching north and south. Civil Sit Pstrol has a plane in the air for communication. Virtually ALL SAR groups, including dog teams are involved in this search. TV stations are reporting and interviewing. Local EMS groups are involved.

    These are HASTY searches, not grid searches. Numerous dog teams searched first, then the SAR, EMS, Park Rangers, and local vollunteers. They are working 24/7 all weekend.

    Nessmuk and two other SARTI members hiked Punchbowl to Rice Mt. and then back. Every logging trail and maintained trail was covered south to the James. They are working 24 hrs.

    Rob Speiden is one of the incident commanders. Headquarters for the search has been moved to the NFS work center on US 60. The morning shift starts again at the work center at 7 a.m.


  6. #46
    One Small Section at a Time Frau's Avatar
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    CIVIL AIR PATROL, not my typos.


  7. #47
    One Small Section at a Time Frau's Avatar
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    PS Ken's foks have flown down.


  8. #48
    One Small Section at a Time Frau's Avatar
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    I give up--FOLKS not foks.

  9. #49
    Registered User wakapak's Avatar
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    I truly hope there is a good outcome with all this....my thoughts are with his family and friends.

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by wakapak View Post
    I truly hope there is a good outcome with all this....my thoughts are with his family and friends.
    ditto... this is about all anyone not involved in the sar should be offering. like jolly green says, armchair qb's should stay out of it.

  11. #51
    Registered User Maple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alli View Post
    Here's a picture from the trip, as posted on BPL
    My prayers go up for Ken Knight. Sure hoping he is okay.

  12. #52

    Default A few thoughts on iPhones

    Just thought I would share what I know, as an iPhone user:

    1) They are major battery hogs.
    2) They must be turned off to save battery power. Failure to do a full shutdown leaves the phone in standby mode, which can run in the battery dry in 24 hours or less.
    3) "Location" features like GPS are typically turned off to save battery power.
    4) Cellphone range in the backcountry is very limited because it's digital.

    At first I thought it was troubling that he never got to a point where he could call anybody on his phone, given that much of the AT is somewhat close to civilization, but he simply could have forgotten to do a complete shutdown and had the battery run dry on him.

    Incidentally it's very easy for somebody to be missing four days before it's reported ... some day hikers in the Bay Area a few years back went out in a local park that is very heavily visited, went bushwacking down a ravine and got caught there after dark. That was on a Saturday. Nobody was sure they were missing till Monday when they didn't show up for work, and searches didn't get organized till late Tuesday. Wednesday morning they were found.

    It's not all that unusual for people to walk out of the woods after going missing for a week.

  13. #53


    Seems I remember a case a year or two ago where a woman was hiking and lost the trail and came walking out of the woods after being gone for over 6 weeks. Its far too early to know how this is going to play out...if he can find water he can stay out there a long time.

  14. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Bronk View Post
    Seems I remember a case a year or two ago where a woman was hiking and lost the trail and came walking out of the woods after being gone for over 6 weeks. Its far too early to know how this is going to play out...if he can find water he can stay out there a long time.
    Lets hope someone finds him soon!

  15. #55
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    I got lost in the punchbowl area on my debut backpacking trip. Basically, what I did was climb to the sound of the cars on skyline drive. Do we even know if he is in the woods, or if he ran into trouble off the trail trying to catch a ride?

  16. #56
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    I was at the punchbowl area yesterday searching for Ken. All the thru hikers seem to be aware of the situation. This is good. They are certain that he is not on the AT. Right now the search is concentrating on searching the FS roads and the side trails. I'm sure the search will then progress to ares with no trails or roads. Right now the search teams seem to be made up of volunteer sar teams from across the state. This includes people with dogs, people on horseback, etc. They seem to be concentrating on a area of about 11 square miles. If he is not found this weekend I am sure the search will expand to a larger wilder area. WhiteBlaze members with sufficient trail experience should consider their aid during this time. Volunteers should report to the Otter Creek Campground, which is considerably south of punchbowl, or the command center at the intersection of RT 60 and the Blue Ridge Parkway. The Otter Creek Campground is south on the BRP. backpackinglight.com also has contact information for the search.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by HikeLite View Post
    It's beyond me why they waited four to five days to alert other AT hikers to this. I do hope Ken is found alive.
    I was thinking the same thing.
    He is in my prayers.

    Founder, Royal Order of the Scarlet Nape

  18. #58
    Registered User randyg45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by modiyooch View Post
    I got lost in the punchbowl area on my debut backpacking trip. Basically, what I did was climb to the sound of the cars on skyline drive. Do we even know if he is in the woods, or if he ran into trouble off the trail trying to catch a ride?
    Given both his experience level and the level of traffic noise, I too jumped to a fear of injury- either from something like a fall or some evil person taking advantage of his disability- rather than merely being lost.
    My prayers go out for him and his family.

  19. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by randyg45 View Post
    Given both his experience level and the level of traffic noise, I too jumped to a fear of injury- either from something like a fall or some evil person taking advantage of his disability- rather than merely being lost.
    My prayers go out for him and his family.
    I hate the thought of either, but the thought that a person on the trail would harm a hiker for financial gain really bothers me. Anyone who would rob a Hiker deserves to be a the mercy of hikers deep in the woods.

  20. #60
    Registered User ShakeyLeggs's Avatar
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    Default Ken safe and sound

    Just came across twitter Ken has been found alive and well

    @kenknight ken knight has been found. Alive and well, time to party...
    A Fact Of Life:

    After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says;

    W T F...............

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