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  1. #1

    Default A.T. Museum ~ Update

    The Old Mill / Pine Grove State Park, PA

    Here are some excerpts from recent letters regarding the A T Museum which I want to pass along :

    " 2009: The Year of the Museum Tipping Point
    A tipping point can be defined as the time at which a change or effect cannot be stopped.
    This was truly a watershed year for the Appalachian Trail Museum. What was at the end of 2008 only an uncertain hope has become a documented reality. We now have a signed lease for the old grist mill along the A.T. in Pine Grove Furnace State Park, with enthusiastic volunteer activity underway. "

    " This is an exciting time for The Appalachian Trail Museum. We are in the home stretch before our Grand Opening on National Trails Day, at 11 a.m. June 5, 2010. We will mark the occasion with a grand celebration: a ribbon cutting ceremony, hikes sponsored by local clubs, and interpretative programs with children and families in mind. We will also have booths for interested clubs and organizations.

    Currently, we are fixing up the historic 200-year-old Grist Mill and designing exhibits for our new home. The exhibits will feature a hiker center ~in effect a living exhibit~ introducing visitors to the Trail, the Earl Shaffer Shelter, artifacts from other early hikers, a Children's Discovery area, and the 13,000 thru-hiker photos we've digitized over the last year.

    Most of the work will be done by volunteers but we need to raise money for construction materials, exhibits, and operating expences.

    In true A.T. community fashion, the Museum effort to date has involved hundreds of people showing their support in many ways. If the Museum is to be successful in its mission of preserving the history of the trail and informing new people about the culture of hiking, it requires the Trail community's backing. As an example, on Columbus Day, 48 members of the Appalachian Long Distance Hiker's Association ( ALDHA ), who were meeting in nearby Gettysburg, had a work trip at the Old Mill. The crew scoured the building from top to bottom in preparation for renovation work, which is expected to take place this winter. Many others have volunteered to help with renovation work, to staff the building, or to do programs next year.

    Ironically, this success has made the A.T. Museum Society's need for funds all the more acute. While much work will be done by our regiment of volunteers, we will need money to purchase supplies, as well as ready cash for other purposes.

    And with a scheduled opening less than seven months away, we need the money fast ! *****
    ~Exhibits and exhibit housing will need to be constructed and installed.
    ~Most challenging of all will be the reconstruction of the Earl Shaffer
    Shelter inside the Museum. Volunteers will do much of the work, but there will be various related expenses that require cash.
    ~A variety of internal improvements to the building must be made before approval can be granted for opening it to the public. This work is likely to require some professional services that will need to be hired.
    ~Once the physical needs have been satisfied there will come all the routine expenses that are required to keep a facility such as this operational ~everything from paper clips to telephone service.
    ~In addition, as most of us know, there will be the totally unforeseen expenses that are bound to come along. "

    In consideration of the vast amount of work that must still be done, combined with the menacingly short time frame available, a traget of $75,000 has been set for this GRAND OPENING FUND DRIVE . Additionally, the giving levels have been revised and expanded :~HIKER LEVEL for a minimum of $50; ~CARETAKER LEVEL for $100; ~TRAIL ANGEL for $250; ~MAINTAINER LEVEL for $500;and ~A2 Society Level for a $1,000 gift . Of course, you can select any other amount that may better fit your circumstances. Donors will be recognized in the Grand Opening Program as well as on a plaque in the Museum. "

    Make checks payable to: "Appalachian Trail Museum Society"
    Mail them to:Appalachian Trail Museum Society / Rich Evans, Treasurer /
    2125 Church Street / Mountain Top, PA 18707
    ( his email is [email protected]
    NOTE: if you prefer to pay online, go to :
    To make the giving process as painless as possible, we invite you to do either monthly or quarterly payments, and send us your pledge in installments obver a twelve month period.

    "A2: THE MISSING LOG. The marquee exhibit for the Museum's Grand Opening will be the Earl Shaffer Shelter from Peters Mouintain in Pennsylvania. The last surviving shelter built by Earl's own hand, this structure was lovingly disassembled by a team of volunteers and stored awaiting eventual reconstruction in the Appalachian Trail Museum. Before this dismantling began,however,each log was marked to identify its position in the shelter to facilitate reassembly when the time came. At the end of the moving day, in the process of putting the logs into storage, it was discovered that log A2 was missing. A search was promptly initiated, continuing into the following day, but to no avail. Despite much subsequent search and speculation, the log's whereabouts remains unknown. ~In acknowledgment of this misfortune the highest giving category ( $1,000 ) has been designated the A2 SOCIETY."

    *Follow the fund drive's progress on the Museum Society's web site : http://www.atmuseum.org/

    ~Robert "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's" Croyle-Membership Secretary
    Last edited by Red Wolf; 04-02-2014 at 10:15.

  2. #2


    Thanks for the update!

    "[ATers] represent three percent of our use and about twenty percent of our effort," retired Baxter Park Director Jensen Bissell.

  3. #3

    Default Join AT Museum's Cause on Facebook

    If you are on Facebook, please become a member of our Cause.

    Here how to do it. After you log on to Facebook, follow this link

    That should take you right to our Cause. Click on the "Join Cause" button, and you will be a member.

    As of today, we have 645 members, but we'd love to have more. On the Cause site, we will post updates on the Museum's progress and other information. Take care.
    Early Bird 2007

  4. #4


    Early Bird, thanks for doing the link to Facebook. The "Cause" has grown since I invited Kento Kento back in September ~645 members on it ! WOW ! That's really encouraging since we're trying to raise $85,000 FAST . ~Happy Trails!
    Red Wolf o'da Smoky's

  5. #5



    The A.T. community, a wide spectrum of people, is not only inclusive of hikers, but also is composed of those business establishments which provide all manner of services to the Trail hikers . The provision of hiking supplies, of lodging, of transportation, of medical assistance, of religious support, and of entertainment helps give the A.T. hiker a complete "Appalachian Trail experience" . This provision of trail establishments make these businesses vital members of the A.T. community. The Appalachain Trail Museum Society seeks the support of the A.T. businesses to help reach our GRAND OPENING FUNDRAISER $75,000 goal .

    In return for the needed monetary support, each business will receive a "Certificate of A.T. Museum Support" suitable for display in the business establishment ~ AN EXCELLENT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY !

    Earlier this week, I mailed this A.T. Museum letter from Larry Luxenberg, President, Appalachian Trail Museum Society, to 360 businesses for which I have valid postal addresses :
    "Dear Friend of the Trail,
    This is an exciting time for The Appalachian Trail Museum. We are in the home stretch before our Grand Opening on National Trails Day, at 11 a.m. June 5, 2010. We will mark the occasion with a grand celebration: a ribbon cutting ceremony, hikes sponsored by local clubs, and interpretative programs with children and families in mind. We will also have booths for interested clubs and organizations.

    Currently, we are fixing up the historic 200-year-old Grist Mill and designing exhibits for our new home. The exhibits will feature a hiker center - in effect a living exhibit - introducing visitors to the Trail, the Earl Shaffer Shelter, artifacts from other early hikers, a Chidren's Discovery area, and the 13,000 thru-hiker photos we've digitized over the last year.

    Most of the work will be done by volunteers but we need to raise money for construction materials, exhibits, and operating expenses.

    In true A.T. community fashion, the Museum effort to date has involved hundreds of people showing their support in many ways. If the Museum is to be successful in its mission of preserving the history of the trail and informing new people about the culture of hiking, it requires the Trail community's backing. As just one example, on Columbus Day, 48 members of the Appalachian Long Distance Hikers Association (ALDHA), who were meeting in nearby Gettysburg, had a work trip at the Old Mill. The crew scoured the building from top to bottom in preparation for renovation work, which is expected to take place this winter. Many others have volunteered to help with the renovation work, to help staff the building or do programs next year.

    For those interested in contributing financially, annual corporate memberships are $500 a year or $100 annually for supporters. Corporate members will be acknowledged with logos and links on our website and this year will be included prominently in the Grand Opening Program and on a plaque at the Museum. Supporters will receive a certificate suitable for display as well as listing in the program and on the plaque. We will be updating the progress of our fund drive on our website, www.atmuseum.org . Further information is available at [email protected] and we welcome your comments and suggestions. "

    Give us your support in a check made out to The Appalachian Trail Museum Society. ~ CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP is $500 and SUPPORTER MEMBERSHIP is $100. Mail to: A.T. Museum / Rich Evans / 2125 Church Road / Mountain Top, PA 18707 . Please include: NAME, ADDRESS, PHONE #, and EMAIL . Mr. Evans' Email is [email protected] . NOTE:If you prefer to pay online go to http://www.atmuseum.org/fundraiser.htm .

    Be sure to follow the progress of this fund drive on the Museum Society's website www.atmuseum.org by clicking on the hiker "Appalachian Al" !

    If you are a business which did not receive a Museum letter, I do apologize; I have only 360 valid postal addresses for the A.T. businesses. If you know of an interested business that might support our fundraiser,PLEASE , PASS THIS INFO ALONG TO THEM ~that will help us.

    HAPPY TRAILS ! ~ Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's",Membership Secretary,Appalachian Trail Museum Society

  6. #6


    YAAAH ! ....Appalachian Al has made it out of GEORGIA !

    see: www.atmuseum.org and click on the hiker

    ~ Reed Wolf o'da Smoky's

  7. #7
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    By the way, if you are on facebook you can help the ATmuseum by voting for them on the Chase Community Giving page. Search for Chase Community Giving, become a fan, then you can name 20 charities. (you don't have to bank at Chase or make a donation, just vote) I listed the ATC, the AT clubs, and the AT Museum. Chase will donate to the top 100 charities. So vote!

  8. #8



    "An orientation session will be held for all those interested in the Docent Program or OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES with the Appalachian Trail Museum on Sunday, January 10, 2010, at 2p.m. at the Kings Gap Environmental Center, 500 Kings Gap Road, Carlisle, PA 17013 .


    If possible, please RSVP to [email protected] . For questions, please contact Larry Luxenberg at 845-708-5306.

    DOCENT PROGRAM ~ Volunteer greeters, also known as docents, are needed to help staff the Appalachian Trail Museum which will open in the Old Mill at Pine Grove Furnace State Park on June 5, 2010.

    Greeters will welcome guests to the museum and provide basic information in responce to visitor's questions. Greeters provide a friendly presence ~they are people who enjoy meeting visitors. Love of the outdoors is helpful but no special knowledge is required.

    Being a greeter is a great way to make new friends, give something back to your community, learn about things that interest you, and share with others . Everyone is welcome to volunteer ~outdoor lovers, hikers, educators, history buffs; those under 18 years of age need to be accompanied and supervised by an adult while volunteering .

    Sunday, January 10, 2010
    2p.m. at Kings Gap Environmental Center
    500 Kings Gap Road, Carlise, PA 17013
    please RSVP to [email protected]
    questions to Larry Luxenberg at 845-708-5306"

    This info is passed along to you from a recent letter from Larry Luxenberg,President, Appalachian Trail museum Society .

    Happy Trails !

    Robert "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's" Croyle
    Membership Secreary, Appalachian Trail Museum Society .

  9. #9



    "Preserving the Trail" and the focus on the Appalachian Trail Museum could very well be the THEME for this next year's Trail Days Festival in Damascus, Virginia ! One member of the Damascus Town Council ( a good friend ) called me last week and asked about permission to use the A.T. Museum name,picture,logo etc. by the Town of Damascus if the Museum was the focus of the Trail Days '10 theme. The Museum picture would be on the official T-shirts, in the printed program, and with a spot in that program, etc. et al ! Of course, I immediately put him into contact with Larry Luxenberg,A.T. Museum Society President; Larry is thrilled ( ! ) , as well as the rest of the Museum's board of directors ! The Museum can use all the GOOD PR we can get in order to help us reach our $75,000 GRAND OPENING GOAL . He admitted that THE IDEA to do this originated with that excellent hiker supporter, Eleanor Grasselli . Eleanor, per the recent meeting of the Damascus Town Council, has once again been named Trail Days' Co-ordinator, a position she has served well many times in the past. CONGRATS once again Eleanor ! ~ ( also, she has assured me that ALDHA will have the same time slot in the Trail Days' Program for the ALDHA HIKER RECEPTION ) ! The next meeting of the Town Council should make everything official , hopefully. ~ Stay tuned.......


    Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"
    Appalachian Trail Museum Society, Membership Secretary

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Red Wolf View Post

    "Preserving the Trail" and the focus on the Appalachian Trail Museum could very well be the THEME for this next year's Trail Days Festival in Damascus, Virginia ! One member of the Damascus Town Council ( a good friend ) called me last week and asked about permission to use the A.T. Museum name,picture,logo etc. by the Town of Damascus if the Museum was the focus of the Trail Days '10 theme. The Museum picture would be on the official T-shirts, in the printed program, and with a spot in that program, etc. et al ! Of course, I immediately put him into contact with Larry Luxenberg,A.T. Museum Society President; Larry is thrilled ( ! ) , as well as the rest of the Museum's board of directors ! The Museum can use all the GOOD PR we can get in order to help us reach our $75,000 GRAND OPENING GOAL . He admitted that THE IDEA to do this originated with that excellent hiker supporter, Eleanor Grasselli . Eleanor, per the recent meeting of the Damascus Town Council, has once again been named Trail Days' Co-ordinator, a position she has served well many times in the past. CONGRATS once again Eleanor ! ~ ( also, she has assured me that ALDHA will have the same time slot in the Trail Days' Program for the ALDHA HIKER RECEPTION ) ! The next meeting of the Town Council should make everything official , hopefully. ~ Stay tuned.......


    Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"
    Appalachian Trail Museum Society, Membership Secretary
    ps. please pardon the typo in the title / it should read TRAIL DAYS'10 AND MUSEUM ~ RW

  11. #11
    Lifetime Wanderer fishinfred's Avatar
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    Thumbs up New At Museum Support Stickers Now Available







  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Red Wolf View Post

    "Preserving the Trail" and the focus on the Appalachian Trail Museum could very well be the THEME for this next year's Trail Days Festival in Damascus, Virginia ! One member of the Damascus Town Council ( a good friend ) called me last week and asked about permission to use the A.T. Museum name,picture,logo etc. by the Town of Damascus if the Museum was the focus of the Trail Days '10 theme. The Museum picture would be on the official T-shirts, in the printed program, and with a spot in that program, etc. et al ! Of course, I immediately put him into contact with Larry Luxenberg,A.T. Museum Society President; Larry is thrilled ( ! ) , as well as the rest of the Museum's board of directors ! The Museum can use all the GOOD PR we can get in order to help us reach our $75,000 GRAND OPENING GOAL . He admitted that THE IDEA to do this originated with that excellent hiker supporter, Eleanor Grasselli . Eleanor, per the recent meeting of the Damascus Town Council, has once again been named Trail Days' Co-ordinator, a position she has served well many times in the past. CONGRATS once again Eleanor ! ~ ( also, she has assured me that ALDHA will have the same time slot in the Trail Days' Program for the ALDHA HIKER RECEPTION ) ! The next meeting of the Town Council should make everything official , hopefully. ~ Stay tuned.......


    Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"
    Appalachian Trail Museum Society, Membership Secretary

    Robert, a few clarifications. Tommy Hayes is the event coordinator this year, as he was last year. Eleanor is a member of the Trail Days committee, one of several. You spoke with Terry Kammer, not a town council member but another member of the committee. Several ideas for a theme are being discussed, and the museum is one of them. We like the idea but there are those who want a more locally-focused theme, with a Damascus emphasis. The decision will be made by the TD committee, not the town council. Apologies for correcting your information.

  13. #13


    Thanks for the correction of my miss-impression . I understood that everything was not final until the Trail Days committee makes the final decision. Of course, we hope that it is favorable for the Museum . It is early in the entire process for certain sure. ~ HAPPY TRAILS! ~ Robert "RW"

  14. #14



    We have received enough donations for our "Hiker Al" to have reached Virginia and THE PLACE ~ see www.atmuseum.org and click on the Hiker Al icon. ~ MANY THANKS TO ALL ~ Red Wolf o'da Smoky's

  15. #15



    Per a letter received from Eleanor Grasselli,TD Committee Member:

    "Larry, et al,

    The 2010 ATDays Committee met tonight ( 1/ 19 - Wed. ) .

    'Celebrating the Appalachian Trail Museum' was unanimously approved as the theme. "

    Thankyou, Damascus, for your supoport of our A.T. Museum and all us hikers ! We are looking forward to another wonderful festival and all of us with the Museum will be working hard to do "something special" ~as our A.T. Museum,President, Larry Luxenberg wrote to the Museum's board of directors :

    " I received this notification last night from Eleanor in Damascus after their meeting about Trail Days: 'Celebrating the Appalachian Trail Museum' was unanimously approved as the theme. This is a great boost for the museum and we have to think of something special for Trail Days this year. "

    Again, THANKYOU, Damascus Trail Days Committee and all our Damascus supporters.

    Cheers, Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"
    A.T. Museum, Membership Secretary

  16. #16


    A. T. Museum & TRAIL DAYS 2010 ALDHA HIKER RECEPTION ! ! !

    We have a spot on the official ATDays 2010 Festival Program Schedule for the ALDHA Hiker Reception: Friday May 14, 11 a.m. until 12 p.m in the Rock School Auditorium ! ~the A.T. Museum will have a table there and we are making plans for it now ( we expect to showcase the Old Mill and our use of it for the A. T. Museum ) .

    The plans for the ATDays 2010 ALDHA Hiker Reception are in the works by a special ALDHA committee . We will be asking for donations of volunteer workers, food refreshment donations, and monetary donations. Watch for further details.
    ~ Red Wolf

  17. #17



    Just received word this morning, Thursday Jan. 28 at 9:07 a.m. that the "official" ATDays Festival website is up and running; albeit, it will be much ammended, since many entries are still the old ones from last year. It's is good to know that it is up and is a WORK-IN-PROGRESS ! ! ! ~~i.e. something to watch for updates of new events as they are posted. The web ad is: www.traildays.us
    Thanks to all involved with the work of its' organization.

    Robert Croyle "Red Wolf o'da Smoky's"~A.T. '71
    Appalachian Trail Museum Society, Membership Secretary

  18. #18



    June 5, National trails Days, will see quite a crowd gathered at the Old Mill in Pine Grove Furnace Stae Park,PA ( aprx. 1/2-way point of the A.T. ) for the Grand opening Of the Appalachian Trail Museum ! ~~ ALL WELCOME ~~ An host of activities for one and all are planned for the opening of OUR A.T. Museum !

    Per a recent letter to the A.T. Museum Society Board, Larry Luxenberg, Prsident of the Museum, had these among many things to relay to the board :
    "We are planning to have hikes Friday and Saturday as well as a special hike to the ceremomny on Saturday.....Also a possible reception at the Old Mill on Friday night for volunteers and donors.....We continue to work on the schedule for the opening on Saturday. The ceremony will be from 11a.m. till noon or 12:15 . Possiblility for people to buy lunch there is being worked on. At 1:15 we'll have a cake cutting .
    In the afternoon we'll have programs at six different locations, each with a different theme. By the furnace, where the main ceremony will be held, we'll have the Pioneer hikers or their families ( Gene Espy, Lucy Seeds, Sharon Garvey and John Shaffer ); we'll have a second theme of A.T. history; a third on Pine Grove Furnace (two park rangers will give talks); a forth on hiker skills such as making soda can stoves, bear bagging, lightweight camping; a fifth will be children's programs; and a sixth on miscllaneous programs.....A hiker feed in the evening is a real possibility.
    Spaces are available for clubs and vendors to set up displays. Several clubs have already expressed interest including IAT and SATC .
    Hikers will have camping area (already reserved).
    Our annual meeting will be at IronmasMarch 21 at 9a.m.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by fishinfred View Post



    I just now saw this posting and tried to order a sticker but eBay says that the listing has ended. Any way I can still get one?
    "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."

  20. #20


    You might try going directly to him at his E : [email protected]
    I asked the Museum president, Larry Luxenberg about it and this was
    what he suggested as a possible recourse to obtain one.
    ~ Cheers, ~~Red Wolf o'da Smoky's

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