we have a huge secret we cannot tell about the hotel doyles future concerning everyone in duncanon and most hikers . i can say its good. heres whats required to allow the secret out,...

write a letter to the doyle telling of your thaughts exsperiences and storys of the doyle. it has been asked of us to write these letters as groups rather than individuals. a groupe can be as small as a couple or as large as billville and alda and atc and amc and others. we need letters from sorentos pizza in duncanon and from the small groups like philly hikers and just plaine old groups of friends who hiked such as the oh eighters and the maine train. these letters are a part of a plan that we think you will enjoy. i relize that you not knowing to what end the letters are to be used is disconcerting. therefor. only diehard lovers of the doyle need write.

send corrospondence to:the doyle hotel 7 north market street duncannon pa 17020.