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Thread: coyotes in MA?

  1. #1
    2010 complete
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    Default coyotes in MA?

    My last night in Mass last year was right outside Dalton. I think that I heard coyotes. That was a first for me. Is that a possibility? What's the best recourse if they enter camp? Do they enter camp? I was in a hammock, and felt vulnerable. Between the buzzing mosquitoes, the bear sighting at dusk, and the coyotes during the night, I barely got any sleep.

  2. #2


    Yes, it is not only possible but likely. There have been several incidents of coyotes crossing into Manhattan and eluding capture for several days over the last few years. The latest incident was about a month ago.

  3. #3
    Super Moderator Ender's Avatar
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    Totally likely, but totally harmless. The chances that you'll actually see one up close are very slim... they try to stay away from humans for the most part, and chances are they won't get too close to your camp. And they aren't aggressive, even to children. Small cats and dogs yes, but that's about as large a prey as they're willing to tackle. If you see one, the best recourse would be to grab your camera and start taking photos, and count yourself lucky for getting so close.
    Don't take anything I say seriously... I certainly don't.

  4. #4
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    There have been a very few problems with agressive coyotes in the last few years. I Don't worry about them, and my area is full of them. Might keep you awake with their singing.
    "It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how." ---Dr. Seuss

  5. #5


    Coyotes do attack humans, but rarely. A young woman was killed last October in Canada by two coyotes:


    According to the article, if attacked you should stand your ground and make a lot of noise just as if attacked by a bear. DON'T RUN.

    Dogs are much more dangerous. In the past three decades, there have been thousands of serious injuries and hundreds of deaths caused by dog attacks.


    I woke up one night while tenting near a shelter in the Smokies and heard howling very nearby, sounded like it was right outside of my tent. I was not really awake and thought, "Oh, those crazy kids are cutting up," thinking it was some of the other hikers, then rolled over and went back to sleep. In the morning, I found out it really was coyotes and the other hikers had seen them, they were in camp checking things out. Good fun!

    Don't be overly concerned unless you are hiking with a dog and if you are, keep it with you in your tent at night. A coyote killed a dog upstate a while back and they also think cats and other small animals are tasty.

  6. #6


    I hear coyotes outside my window and outside my tent year round in Northern CT. They never bother anyone. No worries.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by modiyooch View Post
    My last night in Mass last year was right outside Dalton. I think that I heard coyotes. That was a first for me. Is that a possibility? What's the best recourse if they enter camp?
    If they don't run from a rock, treat them as rabid. Mangy/scrawny-treat them as rabid.
    Do they enter camp?
    Seen tracks. Clever animal. Bet a dollar you would never hear it. I never have.
    I was in a hammock, and felt vulnerable. Between the buzzing mosquitoes, the bear sighting at dusk, and the coyotes during the night, I barely got any sleep.
    Suburban coyotes are a different acting animal. Used to people.
    Be aware. But rest easy. Worry more about vampire bats.

    Unless the dang things light off right next to you. I can't get back to sleep after that. Why they have to sound like they are three feet away...

  8. #8
    Registered User Toolshed's Avatar
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    When we lived in Central MA, we would hear them at night. I have watched them skulking around forest edges/hedgerows over by Quabbin. They have been around for years. I have tried tracking them but can never get close enough. I think in most states they are still considered varmin or nuisance wildlife and you may be able to shoot on sight.
    .....Someday, like many others who joined WB in the early years, I may dry up and dissapear....

  9. #9


    Coyotes will attack you in your sleep. You can't hear them and won't even know what hit you when they do. They go straight for the neck and you will not have a chance of survival!!!!

    Seriously, This past weekend, we had one pack on each side of our camp yelling at each other. This was 30 miles from NYC. I have had them try to get at my hanging Ursack near camp without luck.

    There are also packs of wild dog/coyote mixes that I've heard about, but have not seen.

    If you act frightened and/or run from many animals they will be compelled to attack. Even elk and dear have been known to do this.
    In the case of any dog, wolf, coyote... if they think you are stalking them they will back off and probably run away.
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