So I am in the process of nickle and dime-ing my sundries bag and clearing out a lot of the excess found within.

One thing that has always troubled me, even in my midweight days, was the tube of RTV I carry around with me. Its a small 1.7 oz tube of automotive grade room-temperature vulcanizer (silicone rubber). Its great for plugging holes in thermarests and pinholes in tents and acting as a high pressure, high temp gasket material when bolting engine parts together. Its good for over 1000 degrees and insane pressures and will definately repair a leaky tent or deflated matress.....but....I've never needed to use it. I also have duct tape rolled over a medicine bottle.

Am I carrying this needlessly? Should I drop the duct tape? Should I drop this? What do you guys/gals do?