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  1. #1
    Registered User d.o.c's Avatar
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    troutville, Va

    Default curry creek trail VA

    it links the AT to curry creek road out side of troutville VA between wilson creek shelter and salt pond road. does anyone hike it?? ive done it a few times its very worn out almost dosnt seem to be a trail at all in some spots.. the maps show it and all theres a sign for it on the AT..... but the other day when i hiked it someone had put up across the road a home made a wire fence across curry creek road.. and put a blue sign tht said no trespassing well idnt get how this is trespassing since i follwd the faint blue blaze thru national forest to the public road of curry creek there r mail boxs all down the road.. the police showd up right aftr i pasd this wire fence it was a single cable tied to two trees with the blue sign on it he stopd me and askd me a handful of questions bout where i am from this and tht then he follwd me down this road all the way home .. im confussed aparently i had them calld on me from wht he said idk.....i never once stopd hiking so no one can say i was just hangn round actn weird or somthn....... any ways thoughts??

    PS: sorry for spelling err

  2. #2
    Registered User d.o.c's Avatar
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    troutville, Va


    ps .. they showd up a good five almost ten min later

  3. #3


    I did a hike with the RATC a few weeks ago that started and ended at the closed gates. It was loop using FS roads, the AT and the Curry Creek trail. No way can that road be roped off like that and the neighbors just sound like they're paranoid. You should have asked the policeman about that wire across the road. And no, we didn't see anything blocked off and I'm assuming we were on the same road, the one that passes Camp Bethel.
    [COLOR="Blue"]Hokey Pokey [/COLOR]

  4. #4
    Registered User d.o.c's Avatar
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    troutville, Va


    yes that is the road the creek goes under the traintracks thru the road. i came out of the woods just past the goofy looking like tree house thing made on metal stilts instead of a tree.. the wire used to be just blocking the lil spot where u can put like a car and at the end of tht lil spot there is a sign tht says road closed foot travel welcome. but has since been moved down the street where the driveways kinda branch off.. paranoia is wht i was thnkn i wonder whts brewn down curry creek road they dnt want seen

  5. #5

    Default Curry Creek Road Botetourt County Va

    Mr. d.o.c.
    I know your post is old but maybe you will check back. I can clarify all your questions about Curry Creek Rd because I am the owner of the property you were trespassing on. Yes I put up "the fence" and I own "the goofy looking" tree stand, and I may be a bit "paranoid" but I can assure you there is nothing "brewin" on my property.
    First let me point out the errors that you made in your wanderings. Number 1-Curry Creek Road is NOT a public road, nor is it a Forest Service Road, or part of any trail. It is a private road owned by the property owners all the way to Nace Rd.
    So, yes, you were trespassing from the time you stepped out of National Forest. Number 2-Curry Creek Trail from the AT ends where you come to the Forest Service Road. If you had paid closer attention you would have noticed that there were no more blue blaze markings once you reached the Forest Service Road. There is no access to Curry Creek Trail from Curry Creek Road. There used to be years and years ago but now your only access is from the Forest Service Road behind Camp Bethel. I hope this clears up your confusion and keeps you out of trouble with the police. ( good luck and good hiking )

  6. #6
    Registered User d.o.c's Avatar
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    troutville, Va


    The trail isn't worth the walk any way .. I was bitter ..but I followed modern nfs maps and they show the trail comes out onto Curry Creek road.. why did you call the cops?

  7. #7
    Registered User
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    I hike a lot in the George Washington/ Thomas Jefferson NF. I have had this same kind of incident occur. I don’t know about your particular incident, but I had a conversation with a fella that said I was on private property and to get out. Now, I was on a fairly well used and marked trail and I was very sure I was still on FS land. After a couple of minutes of talking with this guy, showing him my map’s (NatGeo & FS Topo) he was still not convinced. So, in one of those rare occurrences were you can actually a decent cell signal in the backwoods, I showed him our location on an overlay of the FS map my daughter made for me. (That stuff is way over my head) With that I was able to convince him that his property ended at least 100 feet away. It all ended well. It seems somebody saw me going over a ridge headed his way and gave him a call.
    I would advise anyone, if you have this type of thing happen on one of hikes off one of the main trails, have or be willing to develop a plan “B” on the spot. I would advise not arguing with a “land owner” in the middle of the back country. More than once I have changed my route. Sometimes it’s just easier, and safer too.

    /l ,[____],
    l---L -OlllllllO-
    ()_) ()_)--o-)_)

  8. #8
    Registered User Tennessee Viking's Avatar
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    I would suggest calling the Mt Rogers office for clarification on the trail route. Could be poor map making.
    ''Tennessee Viking'
    Mountains to Sea Trail Hiker & Maintainer
    Former TEHCC (AT) Maintainer

  9. #9


    [Mr doc
    I did not call the cops. Probably my tenant that lived there. We have had LOTS of trouble with trespassing hunters who just refuse to believe that they don't have access to Curry Creek Road. You are right the trail is not worth the trouble. Too bad the NFS map led you out onto private property

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