Hello all, I'm 14 days and counting to GA. and I think I may be freaking out. I was only a little concerned up until a couple of days ago when I went to an EMS store and the sales man did the AT last years... he crushed everything I have in my pack including my pack. I talked myself down a little by saying A) he's a sales man B) he's a gear-head (no judgment to gear-heads) So I'm sitting here with my back to all my gear and my car full of food that has to be measured and packed in maildrops thinking to myself "what did you get yourself into" I have been working 60-80 weeks mostly overnights for the past 4 months, and have put on weight because of... well because I lack self control in times of minor panic I have not cracked yet but this is my moment of weakness. I have NEVER hiked. I have wandered around the Adirondacks for small day "hikes" but nothing like THIS. my family and friends are crazy suportive and I have 97% of my ducks in a row... those damn 3%, I tell ya. All in all I think I maybe over thinking...anyone in this same boat?