Well, life sometimes happens in a way you don't expect and this year has been much of that. I am so behind in our gear buying and now due to family obligations, I am having to stretch our start time from 7/7 to the 18th or so. One big problem I have now though is getting us there. My hubby was supposed to drive us to Baxter, spend a few days himself and then head home but due to his own work schedule, that is now completely impossible. So, how do I get from GA to Baxter? Train? Bus? Or is it possible for me to drive my own car and find somewhere to park and then just shuttle it down as we go? Because I do have a kid with me, my husband likes the idea of my car being within a day's reach in case I need it or if we bail and want to come home (not gonna happen!). He also thinks it is a smart way to have extra gear we may need, just to have it boxed up in my jeep for when we need it. I don't have a support system in the north like I do here in the south, but it is too late for us to attempt a NOBO (and we have our heart set on summer up there).

So, thoughts, opinions? I need help hiking pals.