Quote Originally Posted by Wolf - 23000 View Post
I just came off the PCT to do a quick weeklong hike. It was my first time being back in 15 long years. I had a great time but what I also notice is how much the definition of a wilderness experience has change. I’ll explain. As I hiked along the trail there are now planned water caches all along the desert section. There is no longer a need to plan where you will be able to pick up water in a stream or spring because it has already been done for the hikers.

There are now apps on your phone that will give you the complete data of the trail and a map of where you are. If you spend a few bucks, you can even find out the status of the water sources.

Technology is good but it also has a down side. Many of us old times might be accustomed to getting the weather by feeling the front come in, the clouds in the sky or other signs - signs that have helped me several times. Now it is what’s the weather man reports. Many of the hikers can not build a fire if needed or read a map/compass. I had to explain to a triple crowner that no you don’t to carry a large pack and still be prepared just by having basic wilderness skills.

So what do others think?

It was greet meeting you Wolf, I enjoyed talking with you and I was very impressed with your knowledge of hiking and your overall backpacking philosophy. I'll be the first to admit that I am a city-boy at heart (despite being a triple crowner) and have only recently started to learn all of the wilderness skills (basic and otherwise) need to be safe in all conditions with minimal gear. However, I would like to point out that you're probably one of only a few people that would consider my 8 pound base pack weight "large"!

I hope I run into you again on the trail some day - Don't Panic