So I'm not looking for any answers, I know I have to come to those on my own, but I just wanted to hear some thoughts from 2013ers on how they approach the guilt of tackling what many would consider a 'selfish' goal like the AT. Now I know many of you are probably in situations that allow you to undertake something like this without any guilt, like a single, newly graduated college student... But I am not. I don't have kids, or any serious obligations at home, but I am recently married and am pretty involved with my family since I live in my hometown... I have the support of my wife, and I'm sure my family would support me as well... But it still feels a bit guilty to me. I'm not completely decided on going, but the window of opportunity is going to open and close very quickly so I'm wrestling with this stuff in a short period of time. I think I will be able to go logistically... But I don't know if I will be able to convince myself that I'm not just being selfish.

So for those of you leaving behind supportive families how do you reconcile the guilt associated with taking on what is at the end of the day a self-centered goal?