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  1. #1

    Default Article: AT Hiker's Ability to Recognize Lyme Disease by Visual Stimulus Photographs

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jackson, MS


    Do you know where this was published?

  3. #3
    All men die, but not all men live
    Join Date
    United States

    Default Lyme Disease

    Quote Originally Posted by plherrin View Post
    Do you know where this was published?
    I'm not sure where this was published but there are many articles out there on risks of Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Memorize the signs and symptoms if you are doing the AT. Get yourself some antibiotics for the trail: Doxycycline; This stuff is awesome and kills the tick diseases no problem. I went to my doc and told him about my upcoming 6 month hike, the risks of Lyme disease, the risk of Deer Tick Paralysis, and my desire to be prepared for it. He prescribed me the antibiotics with no problems. He simply billed the insurance company for Acne treatment. It is very commonly given for acne treatment, malaria prophylaxis, and much more.
    With all that said, I will be hiking with a small bottle of Doxycycline- 1 months supply. It cost me $10 with my insurance and weighs only 1 oz (for all you ounce wienies)
    Hope that helps!

  4. #4


    It's good getting this information out there. I would however like to see a simple brief laymen's written definition of what this means, characteristic exanthem of erythema migrans (EM), at the introduction with a few different corresponding photographs, namely also a picture of the "Bulls Eye Rash" that is said to often be a symptom of Lyme Disease during the early stages.

    I'll post this here.


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