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  1. #1
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Default Long trail questions-Speed Hike

    Hello there LT experts- I picked up the GMC map with the understanding from other posters that it had all you needed to know- call me dumb, call me cheap, but I didn't order the E2E guide and probably should have but I found the map locally. I'd rather donate the money to the trail though if you folks would be kind enough to answer a few questions. As mentioned- I'm going to do a speed hike as part of my training- so no hitching. Going southbound- two weeks or less, mid to late August is the current plan; Yes Sept/Oct would be ideal, but not for my schedule. Without hitching, it shapes up as Jonesville and Inn @LT- not really any other options. I will definitely stay at the Inn and drink the beer, that's not optional. Debating the merits of Jonesville- if somehow I miss the PO there doesn't seem to be any solutions there, so it may be too risky. But any tips or hidden secrets along the trail are appreciated (1 mile or less though-no hitching, no rides) As a side question, does the re-route near North Shrewsbury go thru town, or does it road walk west? If the reroute is the route- any services in that town? Question 1- Despite my best efforts to the contrary to confirm- Jonesville still just has a PO and a shop across the street with a pop machine correct? No store, no gas, no nothing? The proposed store never reopened? Question 2- Water. Other than old fashioned map reading, I don't see water sources as clearly marked as some other posters implied. Am I missing something or do you need the E2E book? I don't remember any water issues in Vermont, or any reason to think I wouldn't frequently pass enough water to worry about it- am I wrong? Is water plentiful enough at 20-30 MPD that I need not worry about it? Normally no biggie, but pushing mileage (agree or not with speedy hikes) doesn't leave a lot of time for hunting up water. All shelters have water? If that's the case there are more than enough sources. Again- happy to buy the guide- but I'd prefer to send a donation. Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. #2


    I did a fairly quick end-to-end last August. I hiked the trail on a whim and with no prep/training, with a fairly heavy pack, self-supported. I was NOBO and did hitch into towns, but would be happy to share my journal with you if it would help. For what it is worth, my E2E was early August and I had no difficulty finding water anywhere on the trail. This year has certainly been wet so I would anticipate no problems concerning water.

    I realize your training requires no hitching, but you're hiking the LT for fun and may as well enjoy the unique flavor of Vermont towns. Why not hitch into a few of them? My miles per hour were much slower on the Long Trail than on the AT. This may be due to not training and not having my trail legs, but I do feel the LT is genuinely harder mile for mile than the AT, especially the northern half. Even the Whites and Southern Maine were easier for me than the northern half of the LT, but this could be due to lack of preparation. Anyway, send me a PM if you would like my journal. If nothing else it will give you a good idea of what a fairly speedy itinerary looks like.

  3. #3


    I'll answer question # 2 for you. Assume you'll find water just as on the AT, at every, or nearly every shelter. Since LT shelters are spaced apart about the same avg distances as on the AT you'll hit water at every 7 miles or so or less. 20-30 MPD translates into crossing or being near water AT LEAST 3 times per day. If you want to really get anal minimizing water wt hauls you should suck it up and splurge having more detailed water source info. You say you don't have the time to hunt for water yet don't have more detailed printed info about likely water sources which doesn't translate well in my mind for someone intending and announcing a speed hike which prolly isn't all that speedy anyhow.

  4. #4
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Save the speed debate for another time- wasn't announcing anything- just saying I intended a quick pace to help others provide accurate advice. Some folks hike 7MPD on the LT, so for those folks-water would be tight. Just a frame of reference to get better answers, not a claim to fame. As mentioned- happy to buy the guide if needed, but as you point out- it probably won't be too critical. Mistake on my part not ordering it sooner? I agree.

  5. #5


    JB, in the e2e Guide you'll get the dope on what's in different towns near the LT. You might check the LT site too for resupply info. I'm thinking I know what's in Jville but don't want to steer you wrong in case I'm wrong. I haven't been on the LT since 2008. Remember what I said. Going SOBO is harder from the get go compared to going NOBO as, IMO, the northern part of the LT is a bit tougher than the southern part(south of the AT/LT junction). You might take that into account with your anticipated MPD average. It's my thought, if you hit it in hiking shape you'll cruise down south. Always got water at the Long Trail Inn ....and barley, hops, and malt too! Good luck on your hike. Bang it brother.

  6. #6


    I don't think this thread is big enough for both of us so see ya. Wish you well though.

  7. #7


    There is no grocery store in Jonesville, if you want resupply you will need to send a box to the PO. Every town with resupply along the LT is a goodly ways off the trail. Typcially down narrow, twisty roads which the locals speed down at 50+ MPH. It can be a dangerous walk.

    You really need to get the guides, the cost is insignificant compared to what the over all trip will cost.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  8. #8
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    I ended up going with the tried and true- start from the hardest trailhead to reach. Williamstown will be an easy out with the greyhound. So SOBO it is. Did my homework otherwise, just down to Jonesville and the water. Planning lower MPD on the north end, hopefully a strong finish with a belly full of Guinness- on tap and in stew form on the south end. High hopes, low expectations. I just had some Cucumber hibiscus Magic Hat- yummy-LT keeps pulling me in. I think we're both a bit cranky tonight- I think I got a job- good for my family- bad for my hiking season... sorry for any trouble.

  9. #9
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    the newest 2013 edition of the LT End to Enders Guide doesn't have detailed LT shelter and water source info, I actually liked the previous edition of the End to Enders Guide, it had more trail info. Good luck on the hike.

  10. #10


    You prima donna hoity toity drinkers - Cucumber hibiscus Magic Hat! What the hell is that, something you found at Whole Foods or your Vegan Uncle living off the grid brewed in the basement?

  11. #11
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slo-go'en View Post
    There is no grocery store in Jonesville, if you want resupply you will need to send a box to the PO. Every town with resupply along the LT is a goodly ways off the trail. Typcially down narrow, twisty roads which the locals speed down at 50+ MPH. It can be a dangerous walk.

    You really need to get the guides, the cost is insignificant compared to what the over all trip will cost.
    Guide ordered. The only resupply in question is Jonesville. I'm debating using the PO at Jonesville, I may skip it. I just like to have a backup, even a gas station, just in case I blow the PO hours. I know it sounds bad to say it's only 79 miles from Jonesville to Inn @ LT, but it is. The weekday hours aren't bad- 8am to 5pm- but out of old habit if something went bad I like to have a backup- even if it's only buying a bunch of junk food at a gas station to get me to the next stop. Experience tells me that a town with a PO usually has a gas station- so even though it looks bad- I just thought I'd double check with you guys. With the economy up and down so much, things change fast. I'd take a hikers word over a guidebook any day. A few posts on here and other sites about bad info in the E2E guide. AWOL's, (and AT guides in general) are unrealistically awesome- you have to admit though, most other guidebooks are not gospel, trail guides for anything in my area are occasionally criminally negligent. Not looking to cheat the system- just looking for good info.

  12. #12


    I sent a resupply box to the Jville PO and wasn't going to get their during open hrs so I called. The Post Master was very sympathetic to my predicament. After explaining the situation and verifying who I was and by me describing my box in detail agreed to place it on the back step which I picked up later that night. Most full time Vermonters know their beloved Long Trail and are usually sympathetic to polite cordial hikers. Love hiking in Vermont and Vermonters!

  13. #13


    A justifiable argument against mailing a resupply box to a USPO sometimes arises because it's reasoned a time delay can develop when not getting to a mailed resupply box at a USPO during open hrs but often this can be remedied with a polite ph call. I've been in this predicament before several times and various USPO employees are almost always sympathetic to my situation and offer a remedy.

  14. #14


    For example, I've had three separate USPO employees in three different states give me my resupply box on Sunday by knocking on a side or back door when the PO was closed for general biz to the public. One PO employee who was sorting mail on the night shift, who I previously made arrangements with, had me knock on a door at 12:15 A.M. when the last mail delivery truck arrived on a Sat morning to give me my box that contained my meds(supplements). You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. They were all very nice people to do that for me!

  15. #15
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Sigh- apologies to Dogwood and Slo-go'en- I need to work on my speed typing/late night excitement. Looks like we typed over each other several times. Guide ordered, although may not help as Praha4 mentioned, although I could pick up the 2011 edition on Amazon. 3.5 mile walk to Richmond in an "emergency", maybe even plan on staying at Mama Bower's, some lucky breaks (trail magic) for you Dogwood! I know people can be tremendously generous (not calling you entitled) I just try to plan around having to put myself in that position. I know I may not be the most popular guy, but there are certainly dumber questions and lazier posters. Maybe it's just me feeling defensive, maybe it's the dreaded "speed" word; but does it need to be this hard? Agree with the plan or not; I set some personal objectives. I've PM'd with both of you regarding this trip and your trips, both of you are big reasons I'm looking so hard at this trip. As mentioned- I'd prefer a hikers word to a guidebook anyday. Again- maybe just the simple miscommunication inherent in typing rather than actually talking- on my end though I thought the OP was fairly clear and relatively humble (for me). Hopefully I'm misreading the vibe.

  16. #16
    PCT, Sheltowee, Pinhoti, LT , BMT, AT, SHT, CDT, TRT 10-K's Avatar
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    I hiked it SOBO in 15 days last year and resupplied in Jonesville, Johnson, Waitfield, and Manchester Center.

    Hitched in and out of all of them quickly.

    To me, if I'm wanting to hike "fast" I pack light and resupply more often.

  17. #17
    MEGA '11, LT '09,'13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10-K:1505469
    I hiked it SOBO in 15 days last year and resupplied in Jonesville, Johnson, Waitfield, and Manchester Center.

    Hitched in and out of all of them quickly.

    To me, if I'm wanting to hike "fast" I pack light and resupply more often.
    I second this notion. I did an LT Sobo e2e this spring in 14 days thru lots of cold rain. We had a blast!

    We resupplied in Stowe, waitsfield, box at the Inn, and Manchester center. Jonesville PO has very limited hours - Def. call ahead.

    Plenty of good water the entire corridor of the LT. I carried a 20 oz bottle and a 1 liter platy for camp water. Never needed to carry during the day.

    Good luck! See you around Killington (hooray for ridgerunning!)

  18. #18


    No problema.... as long as you see it my way. I liked every word of 10'k's post. You're doing a "fast" hike. My same modus operandi when I want to do a "fast" hike as 10-k and on the GOEZ.

  19. #19
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Seconded motion usually carries, but as mayor of this trip I have to veto. I'd love to spend a month on that trail, hopefully one day I will- but not this trip. Resupply will be Jonesville, 89.7 in and Inn@ LT at 168.5. Your suggestions are fine, probably perfect for a 12 day trip. Any further info on Jonesville would be helpful, but from my digging it looks like the PO and a vending machine across the street is it. Emergency walk to Richmond (proceeded by a polite call to the PO if there is trouble) will have to suffice as a backup. Will probably call ahead soon. Agree or not- I'm going to shoot for around 9 days, so only carrying 3 days or so per stop. Puts me at 90, 79 and 104 between resupplies, I re-arranged things a bit to hit Jonesville midday. The change might turn the Inn into a lunch stop, but what can you do- been there before, will probably be there again. Thanks On the Goez- your water info was exactly what I was looking for. Hope to see you out there! Only open question- Does anyone know the route of the reroute at Cold River Road near North Shrewsbury? No services nearby, just want to know the route ahead of time and it is not listed on the GMC website and is unlikely to be listed in the guidebook.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Only open question- Does anyone know the route of the reroute at Cold River Road near North Shrewsbury? No services nearby, just want to know the route ahead of time and it is not listed on the GMC website and is unlikely to be listed in the guidebook.
    1.4 miles south of Gov. Clemant shelter you will come out on Upper Road. Go West about 1 mile to the first left (south). This will likely be a gravel road. Follow it for a bit over a mile until the next intersection, which will be Lower Cold Road. Go a little ways past the intersection and you should see where the trail re-enters the woods. You might pass a couple of farm houses along the way.

    There will be signs and the route might actually be blazed by now.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

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