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  1. #1

    Default just completed E2E last weekend

    Still SOBOs starting, plenty of NOBOs behind me.
    North of about Mt. Ellen, good water is starting to get scarce, although with the recent rains maybe that's gotten better.
    The section north of Johnson is pretty muddy and in some places down to a herd path.
    The Wilderness section north of Rutland is also pretty rough.
    700+ people on the Saturday I climbed Mansfield (where it was 80 F and sunny).
    Foliage wasn't good until Smuggler's Notch, I'm sure it's really peaking now.

    Reports, stories and pics here:

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Awesome pictures! Congratulations on your hike.

  3. #3


    Congratulations on your successful hike! That's insane that 700 people climbed Mansfield in a day.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by James GAME2009 View Post
    Congratulations on your successful hike! That's insane that 700 people climbed Mansfield in a day.
    There's a road to the top, 685 of those probably drive up.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  5. #5


    Awesome! Why’d you choose September?

    Quote Originally Posted by AllDownhillFromHere View Post
    Still SOBOs starting, plenty of NOBOs behind me.
    North of about Mt. Ellen, good water is starting to get scarce, although with the recent rains maybe that's gotten better.
    The section north of Johnson is pretty muddy and in some places down to a herd path.
    The Wilderness section north of Rutland is also pretty rough.
    700+ people on the Saturday I climbed Mansfield (where it was 80 F and sunny).
    Foliage wasn't good until Smuggler's Notch, I'm sure it's really peaking now.

    Reports, stories and pics here:

  6. #6


    Also, how’d the LT stack up against all those other gems you’ve hiked? I gather that you like walking ��

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by chknfngrs View Post
    Awesome! Why’d you choose September?
    I did an E2E a while back. Left SOBO the middle of September. No bugs; nice crisp weather for hiking (low humidity); almost beautiful foliage (a week or two early); not crowded, especially the northern part (no problems in the shelters except for one college group), no snow yet; only a few nights below freezing; easy lodging at the inn at the long trail (a week or two before peak foliage season).

  8. #8


    Thats good info!

    Quote Originally Posted by mark schofield View Post
    I did an E2E a while back. Left SOBO the middle of September. No bugs; nice crisp weather for hiking (low humidity); almost beautiful foliage (a week or two early); not crowded, especially the northern part (no problems in the shelters except for one college group), no snow yet; only a few nights below freezing; easy lodging at the inn at the long trail (a week or two before peak foliage season).

  9. #9
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark schofield View Post
    I did an E2E a while back. Left SOBO the middle of September. No bugs; nice crisp weather for hiking (low humidity); almost beautiful foliage (a week or two early); not crowded, especially the northern part (no problems in the shelters except for one college group), no snow yet; only a few nights below freezing; easy lodging at the inn at the long trail (a week or two before peak foliage season).
    me too, exactly, finished early October, fantastic time of year for a spectacular trail, truly one of our gems.

  10. #10


    Huge Congrats to you on your hike Smoke Beard!!

    I went up and did it over Labor Day week, sobo also. I was completing, or finishing the LT, so only from Journeys End down to Sherburne Pass (I hiked the southern 100-ish miles when I did the AT).
    I was parked at the Inn at Long Trail. I finished September 8th (interestingly & unplanned, a year to the day after I finished the AT).
    I Very Much enjoyed the LT! Really Great Trail and Really Great people too, for sure!

    I'm headin' over to check out the link a bit more in-depth now,

    u.w. / willin'

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by chknfngrs View Post
    Also, how’d the LT stack up against all those other gems you’ve hiked? I gather that you like walking ��
    It was unique. Terrain-wise, much like the AT. Weirdly short - by the time you get your hiker legs, and by the time you get into it, you're staring at the calendar and realizing you have a week to go. Culture-wise, much emptier and zero drama. VT is a cool state, and it was nice to get to meet different people in different parts of it.

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