At this point, anyone "feeling ill" should assume they have the COVID-19, stay home and tell everyone they might have been in contact with in the last few days. It's possible you got it from one of them or you gave it to one of them.

The test currently isn't accurate early on, but weeding out those who are far enough along to test positive and getting them to self isolate ASAP is important. By the time you notice your ill, you've probably been infectious for 3-4 days prior. Then there are those who don't have any real symptoms, yet are breeding the virus. These people need to be identified. But to be effective, everyone would need to be tested on a frequent, rotating basis. Just because you didn't test positive one day doesn't mean you won't a few days later. That's a daunting task at all levels. Without a coordinated, nation wide system already in place, even more daunting.

Oaky, you might not have to test everyone, but a targeted sample group in each community such as the service workers with a lot of public exposure. If a hot spot emerges, then wide spread testing is done to contain the outbreak. although this has to be preformed locally, it still needs national coordination and funding. The virus respects no artificial boarders and there are a lot of hot spots now.

Noon time break in the rain - time for a walk - Later...