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  1. #1

    Default Audie Murphy Monument Access

    I've been researching how to access the Audie Murphy Monument, but most of the info I've found is very dated.
    Does anyone have recent experience with the condition of Brush Mtn Rd off VA624 that leads to the Audie Murphy Trail parking area?

    I need to know:

    Is the road passable by a Mini Cooper? I'm pretty sure the Rohland pics are nearing a decade old, so I was hoping some improvements may have been done to the road itself, and that it hasn't degraded instead.

    Is the trail doable by a pair of codgers? Again, Rohlands indicates that the parking area is at the top of the mountain, at the top of the 1500ft climb out of Craig Creek. But is there much elevation in the remaining .7 mile? The surface, an old road, looks fine, but I'll never talk my hubby into a climb.

    I'm anticipating about a 1 hr round trip (1.4mi) at old-folks' pace (mine)...does this sound reasonable?

    As usual, thanks for any and all info.
    "Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

  2. #2
    Registered User LittleRock's Avatar
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    Raleigh, NC


    Haven't driven there myself but the reviews left at the Google Maps marker (link below) seem to say the road to the trailhead is a little rough but doable. The hike along the top of Brush Mtn is super easy - the trail is road grade and mostly flat.

    It's all good in the woods.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by LittleRock View Post
    Haven't driven there myself but the reviews left at the Google Maps marker (link below) seem to say the road to the trailhead is a little rough but doable. The hike along the top of Brush Mtn is super easy - the trail is road grade and mostly flat.

    Thanks for the response. I did see these pics when I googled the are, but paying closer attention now I'm comfortable with the hike itself. I'm still unsure about the road though. How "rough" is rough? I suspect the google pic is not of the road but of the trail that follows an old road....at least I hope so.

    The Mini has the same clearance I think as my Mazda 5, but whereas I take my "Gracie" everywhere and she muscles though it, I'm more hesitant about my husband's hardship-untested baby. Also, I learned on Max Patch that steep, uneven, gravel, and standard transmission are a combination not for the faint of heart LOL. (I'm trying to keep my husband from having a coronary when I rev up and throw rocks into his undercarriage.)

    Anyway, thanks, and if you see any new shots of the access road or get any new info I'd love to hear it!
    "Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

  4. #4
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    Years ago one of the access roads had a "ford" at the end or rickety old bridge posted for no travel that I think the locals used. The road on the other end worked fine with my Honda Civic but at the time of the year we were there it was too deep for civic. It may have changed.

  5. #5
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    There's a road up there?? Then why did I blow out my knee climbing up that mountain? I did appreciate the bench at the top.

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