Hey everyone. I am planning a thru hike that is going to begin the 2nd week of May, and have been recently rounding up the last pieces of gear I will need. While I believe I have most of the essentials, I am having a hard time figuring out what clothes to layer for warmth. One of the problems is that I do not know what to expect for the low temps in the north. Being, from texas, I do not know what to expect for early september-early october temperatures which obviously has an effect on the gear i buy. So far I have picked up
1)base layer-smart wool long sleeve
2)base layer-smart wool long underwear
3)insulation-ll bean polartec 200 fleece zip up
3)insulation- rei polartec 200 polyester pants
4)insulation-woolrich longsleeve wool shirt
5)spacecraft clothing custeau beenie

Can anyone tell me what else I may need and what to expect as far as temperature? Also, can past thru-hikers let me know what layers they used for their trek.