Thanks for all of the great thoughts!

iPod Touch:
We didn't make it available for the iPod for the reasons the others mentioned, no GPS. Would you be interested in a "light" version that doesn't include GPS? It would be for iPods only.

GPS Update Rate:
We ping the GPS that quick, but only update the screen when you've moved 50'. It adjusts as you walk, but will be at 5 times a second when you first start it.

"I Agree" Button:
Great point, that does sound pretty annoying. We'll see what we can do to eliminate that.

Multiple Sections/Apps:
The original plan was to develop one app that allowed you to buy the sections you want from inside of it, but the iPhone 3G wasn't powerful enough to handle an app with the data from more than 1 section loaded at a time. The plan is to make a version that will work with all of the data. I'll boost the priority on that one. We also want to sell a package deal, but iTunes doesn't allow it unfortunately....

I've got an idea! (Moderators please remove if this is not allowed)
Any member who buys 12 sections will get the remaining 4 FREE. That will be $24 for all 16 instead of $32. To accomplish this, we're going to have to send you a download code for the remaining sections. Send me a PM if you are interested and I'll tell you what you need to do. We are limited to 50 free downloads per version so this offer might go quick...