So I've been researching the Appalachian trail for a few years now. I got my first exposure to it when I was working for the student conservation association in Massachusetts and met a few hikers that had stopped by our lodge for a little while. I did not even know of its existance before that, but they told me of this great trail that stretches across the country, that many people attempt to hike each year, and for hours, I listened to their stories about how their experience was lifechanging. I knew then and there that eventually I'd hike the trail.

Fast forward a few years, and I'm finally in the position to hike the trail next year. I am saving up money, I've got a pretty good job, and I'm ready to go ahead and do this. As of now it will be a solo, but if I find someone to join me in the next few months, that would be great.

Here are some things I could possibly use a little discussion on....

First thing, my long term girlfriend is very unhappy about this. She is worried about not being with me for months, and she is physically unable to do the hike herself. She doesnt have the motivation or the dream, nor can she really go long distances on her feet. She's having trouble understanding why I want to do this, and she's worried about her ability to find a place to live without me paying rent for 5 months. I told her I would help her as much as possible, but that this whole thing means a whole lot to me.

Second thing, I'm not sure what I need to do to prepare for this hike. I live in Louisiana, and the trail system here sucks. We don't really have any long trails. I routinely do a 5 mile hike in Mississippi, its the longest trail in the area, but its not really challenging nor do I feel it prepares me for the AT. I did 11-12 mile hikes in the Berkshire mountaisn in Massachusetts... I really, really feel like I am capable of doing this (and it would take a WHOLE lot to stop me once I get on the trail).

Third, solo hiking vs group hiking... if I can't find a hiking partiner, how would you say Solo hiking compares to group hiking? I worry that the lack of a partiner will drive me nuts, but maybe I'm off base on that. I have not done many hikes absolutely alone, most of the time I have at least one other person hiking with me.

Thanks for reading what I have to say, and regardless, I am extremely excited to do this!