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Thread: Yellow Etrex

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Steelville, Mo.

    Default Yellow Etrex

    I have the yellow etrex and am wondering how I would use it for a thru hike. I live just 5 miles from the Ozark trail in Missouri and am told it is not well marked. I would love to thru hike it but don't need trouble on it.

  2. #2


    First you need to find out if there is a GPX file for the trail you can load into the etrex. Then it should be able to tell you if your on the trail or not.
    Follow slogoen on Instagram.

  3. #3


    OTA has GPS files. Etrex user manual...?

    Have you checked out recent OT thru hiker forums of personal thru hiker(that 230 m) accounts of signage/navigation difficulties/opinions of necessities? There's scant OT thru hiker details here on WB.

    What are you thru-hiking...the mandated 230 miles? When? Last time I checked like maybe 300+ miles were defined/completed? There were gaps. Completed a few segments in those 230 miles during fall. The ground was not snow covered. The signage and navigation difficulty level for myself changed from obviously intuitive for anyone to a bit more difficult. I just had paper maps which sufficed.

  4. #4


    Its been along time since Ive played with my Etrex, but I don't think that model will load maps... Its a basic no features gps.

  5. #5


    no maps... its as basic as they come.

    i use to lay out n load routes and way points from my computer using topo usa and a special usb cable (which i still have extra diy cable ends). it was very useful on my bushwhacks but i did have map n compass as my main guide.


  6. #6
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Westchester County, NY


    Gobs of info here. And gobs of links to even more.

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