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  1. #1
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Default Hiking Unprepared

    No comment.

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  2. #2
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Lol, hehe,Haha. No comment.

  3. #3


    Hiking unprepared is the way to go.
    "Sleepy alligator in the noonday sun
    Sleepin by the river just like he usually done
    Call for his whisky
    He can call for his tea
    Call all he wanta but he can't call me..."
    Robert Hunter & Ron McKernan

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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    No comment.

    Hiker Humor.JPG
    Old joke about British cops:

    "Halt! Or I shall be forced to say 'Halt!' again!"

  5. #5
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldsailor View Post
    No comment.

    Hiker Humor.JPG
    Why don't blind people skydive? Because it freaks their dogs out to much!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Alligator View Post
    Hiking unprepared is the way to go.
    It's the way everyone goes. None of us know all things or all the events that can happen on hike... like seeing twice during two occasions different people on pogo sticks boinking down the AT... LMFAO. It might be more accurate to say we may all be less or more prepared compared to someone else rather than considering it as an absolute state or destination one can reach. It's relative and subjective.

    A hiker needs attributes of adaptability, resiliency, commitment having positive perspectives or at some pt.... crash, burn, fall, freeze, drown, curl up and die....even with these traits. They make us perhaps more prepared though.

    As Tom Cruise( Vincent) said in Collateral improvise, adapt, I Ching, Darwin, roll with it", as Cruise did in the scene in the club Fever and as Jamie Fox(Max) demonstrated in his meet with Felix and in later saving Jada Pinkett Smith(Annie) and killing Tom Cruise. That's one of the messages in the movie . Jamie Foxx could have adapted improvised starting his dream limousine service company yet shrunk back as Max also did in liking Annie but never gaining the courage to ask her out until the end of the movie... as those who sometimes do with the dream, the goal of competing the AT as a thru hiker or section hiker as they make excuse by not being in the perfect financial , life state, .... stars not perfectly aligned as they deem should be...with one among the lamest labeling of thrus usually in a transitional state or old or the young. Are you f-ing kidding? Consider Irwin, Schaffer or Grandma Gatewood, those with hear transplants, Diabetics, those recovering from all their immediate family killed - wife and children, or homeless/houseless, indigent, heavy hauling kits, ULers, kids, CEO's - major CEO's, newly recovering alcoholics heroin addicts, crack heads, those divorced, those happily married with as many as five adolescent children with perhaps being biz owners in the middle stages of their lives with a lot of off trail commitments, those without proper retirement planning, those recovery from stepping out on their families, etc C'MOM? Not prepared? Prepared? My goodness I was on crutches 3 wks before starting and eventually joyfully pain free completing an AT NOBO having some pain pill habits/addiction having had a broken left ankle and ligament damage and having open hear surgery 2 yrs previous and other non perfect places to be in my life to do a thru hike of 2200 mile length. All things I could have used to say this isn't my time, my yr to hike. Prepared, properly prepared? No I wasn't in many ways. Skurka did a rather fast AT NOBO as a LD backpacker NEWB. Oh but he was an elite athlete'; he ran at Duke; he's smart. Yeah but also could have been used as excuses. C'MON. Did Micheal Jordan shrink back embarrassed when he didn't make his H.S. Varsity Basketball team . No he working harder saying he was so embarrassed. He didn't use it as an excuse but turned it into a motivator for working harder. He grew 4- 5 inches in his teens in one year. Novak Dojokovic didn't shrink back long term despite injuries, mental struggles shrinking back to a much lower world ranking and losing to players far below his ranking after being world #1 tennis payer. He regrouped and again climbed back to world #1 male tennis player dominating some of the professional all time greats like Nadal and Federer perhaps Fed being THE GOAT. Resiliency commitment adaptability perspective. Nadal in his own right rose rather than shrink back despite injury after injury and outstanding opponent play and stratagy. NO. His nickname is The Bull for his physical strengths and mental doggedness. Did Roger Federer shrink back despite his age which once considered over the hill shrinking back to that old standard of when a professional tennis player normally retired. NO, he was recently one pt away from regaining #1 and beating the #1 player in the world a red hot playing Djokovic at Wimbledon. NO, like Serena Williams they have created a new mindset, new ways of thinking. Serena additionally is still playing at world class high level after having a baby and at 39 yrs old unheard of in the past. This is what makes a champion. This is what makes them elite among fields of the elite! Ohh Dogwood but they are elites. Like ability exists in those not elite of the elite! How about that long list of hikers I'm aware of that completed thru hikes and/or LASHes? Are they deemed elite? It's an excuse to say only the elite have these capabilities!

    It's not being an elite that makes these attributes; It's having such attributes that can make one an elite, practicing these attributes.

    This is offensive pointing this out. That is not the intention! And I don't do all I know I can be or should be doing so succeed at making excuses too! I'm trying to turn this franchise around make less excuses. However, I'm out there taking at bats willing to fail, knowing some of the most successful are the ones that have failed the most. Failure is not an excuse to try again. Got to give kudos to those that less rarely quit/ have to quit their hikes and yet come back, perhaps repeatedly, to do what they originally intended because as might be said they were unprepared. Preparedness is a matter of comparative perspective. How about you? What are your beliefs? Are you going to make yourself as prepared as you know and improvise and adapt as all hikers and thrus must or use that state of preparedness as an excuse to justify not stepping out into unknowns pretending an ideal condition exists that has to exist to do it? Are you going to pour all of yourself into succeeding, how ever that may be defined? It's a matter of comparative perspective the state of preparedness and not being prepared.

    The astronauts didn't fall back when adjusting course going to the moon or as NASA did getting to the moon. As Microsoft has done releasing their Windows platforms. Microsoft knew they were releasing versions with bugs that were to be figured post release to the public. And, it did cost them both in some ways. They persevered; they moved forward,; they fell forward not backwards. That's a like principle as having to adapt or improvise once on a hike. Consider how much these elite folks had prepared yet still had to adapt, improvise. Reports of Columbus burning his ships so that none could shrink back having to go forward despite fears and the unknowns, was his strategy to avoid a shrinking back mutiny. Matt Damon had no choice if he was to survive solo marooned in the movie The Martian on Mars attempting to survive despite repeated set backs and challenges. He fell forward. Nor did NASA attempting to help him survive or bring Mat Damon back alive. It was crushing to NASA when the resupply lift off exploded being sent to Mars to aid Damon. They continued on. Perseverance, adaptability, resiliency commitment perspective , knowledge , out of the box thinking. They fell forward, So did Tom Hanks in The Castaway despite his initial action to run away shrink back no hope mentality of being rescued by committing suicide despite not even knowing initially the sounds a falling coconut makes, learning how to spear fish, gain greater shelter, build a raft with a improvised Port a Potty sail fragment and video tape, having Wilson along as means to not feel lonely/despondent despite the love of his life was not in person there beautifully acted by Helen Hunt and Tom Hanks, written script, and directed by ???, But those were merely movies. Really? After the real life examples also given and are being ignored? ALL beautiful message filled movies rather than simply entertainment for entertainment's sake, to be amused. Think about this in context of the abundant advantages you now posses being "prepared"? There may be no ideal or perfect time or conditions to do things! Having the mentality that perfection has to exist is sometimes used to justify not stepping out stepping outside to attempt or complete a thru hike. It can be an example of exact habit tendency or perhaps, for lack of a better word, addiction to shrinking back as it seemed Max had in the movie Collateral. It took some extreme things for Max to experience finely that habit, addiction, tendency to be broken.

    I've been waiting to share all this for yrs. It's triggering. It's offensive. Maybe that will stir some into change! That may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Offense can be a motivator too. Don't shy away. Will you push forth, will I not, accepting NO for an answer?

    Not appropriate for the Humor Forum? This post can be humorous, enraging and life changing simultaneously.
    Last edited by Dogwood; 01-19-2020 at 07:04.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogwood View Post
    Not appropriate for the Humor Forum? This post can be humorous, enraging and life changing simultaneously.
    but mostly just too long

  8. #8
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Uh, um, err, what were we talking about?

  9. #9


    Yeah, perhaps, in this soundbite forum and go quick if anything is worth it it's worth doing fast culture Post A QuicK Reply forum. Details can be significantly lacking to unpreparedness which although in the Humor Forum is obviously a serious and significant subject also here on WB based on how often the topic arises. Mastery may be earned through details rather than a shallower cursory approach. Was it also that hard to recall we were talking about preparedness to post "Uh, um, err, what were we talking about?"? if so maybe you're habituated to the get rich scheme always if anything is worth doing it's worth doing fast habit Post a Quick Reply 6 th grade shallow culture that older age folk complain about in younger generations ignorant of having this also as older age folks too can. Are you an older age person with such a ignorant notion? The avg age for WB posters has tendency to be greater than younger generations. Are you an old dog having trouble learning new tricks? Reducing ignorance could make one aware that these old folks can be doing similar as they debase in younger generations rather common on sites like WB. It's also common on WB to prejudge people without knowing the extent of circumstances when they were not physically immediately present in implying a lack of knowledge debasing those who have made mistakes Newsflash: NO ONE knows everything, no one. WE all make mistakes so maybe reserve some hard judgements. I've engaged in this too even though possibly younger in age than the median age WB poster. Some may say, ponder you're know doing the same thing. In some regards yes. The intention here is a more honest comprehensive discussion than a hubris or haughtiness not debasing others lifting the entire boat of WB posters not merely an age group or category. That is not everyone's motivation. YMMV Ultimately, do you love the state of your own life and appreciate others even when perhaps not immediately understanding, teachable, even when perhaps not optimally convenient, making one self present/available, or when immediately knee jerk disagreeing. This is growth!

    I thought it worth it expending resources like my time and energies to write such a detailed post in hope that others, who didn't have such short attention spans, might glean something helpful while at times potentially injecting some humor, although it's a matter of perspective. I have no regrets in that hope. The info is on display for others who do not have such shortened attention spans desiring greater understanding and possibly assistance. Will you take advantage of these goals, knowledge? If you're not one to grasp onto applicable perhaps long winded details pass on don't read such a long post, perhaps continue with lack of preparedness and shortened attention span. Your life, it may be deemed but you passing judgements rather publicly on others as I too am. Your perspectives may differ. Good day, good morning. Wish you all well.

    My goodness even WB is already inundated with posts/info but over a longer number of shorter posts and wider WB User names. Can' t that be seen that you can't indulge me here?
    Last edited by Dogwood; 01-20-2020 at 05:55.

  10. #10
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    Sometimes I "hike unprepared." I know you're supposed to carry everything you need to survive for all of the just-in-case worries. But if it's "just" a dayhike, I might be carrying my phone and car key - that's all. If I got injured or lost, I'd be in trouble. Why am I willing to take that risk?

    I guess it boils down to dumb thinking. Until something bad happens, I don't feel like I'm at risk. I don't worry about the what-ifs. I don't "prepare" to hike down to the mailbox (8-10 minute round trip), so why would I prepare to hike a short familiar trail? Or maybe an unfamiliar trail? Or a longer trail? Like I said, dumb thinking. Without going overboard and preparing for every woodland paranoia, I should develop some better habits of thinking and doing.

    Would be interested to hear others' criteria for when to "prepare" and when not, and maybe some cautionary tales of bad things that have happened on the way to the mailbox...

  11. #11
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    Wow,applause quite the rant I hope you feel better! I'm none of those things you accuse me of. It's a cartoon in the humor forum followed up by a couple 1 liners. Lighten up a lil would ya? Not everything needs to be analyzed to death. Well I guess I'm guilty of 1 thing you accused me of being I am an old dog. Sometimes a chahwawa and sometimes a pitbull. But in the future I'll try to read all of your posts so maybe I can be as smart an intelligent, intellect.i usually can't get past the 10th paragraph before my eyes start crossing and I give up.
    Last edited by JNI64; 01-20-2020 at 09:58.

  12. #12


    This is really a great question, "Why am I willing to take the risk". I think this is more of an experience issue, which I don't believe thinking about risk/consequendes takes much time if one has a lot of miles under their feet. To the inexperienced the thought process may take longer (or not exist beyond an elementary level), which is one of the values of forums like WB providing these conversations between people from various places and experience levels.

    At this time of year especially we will see cautionary tales of people going into serious terrain without gear that would have saved their life, not counting on getting lost or just taking too long and eventually succumbing to the effects of exhaustion, weather, and cold. While personal experience is a good teacher, experiences of others, including postmortem incident reports, brings us information of how a circumstance developed and eventually proved fatal to someone who wasn't prepared or ignored signs of trouble. I have been very fortunate through the years, as I imagine many on this forum are as well, to have survived circumstances I was ill prepared to meet. However, knowledge and experience can be trumped easily by the "It won't happen to me" philosophy that can often lead to cavalier risk with lethal consequences. A good example of this being Kate Matrosova who perished in the White Mountains in conditions she did not apparently see as life threatening.

    As one's personal and vicarious experience grows, risk tolerance and consequence considerations expand and tend to become more fluid with respect to gear inclusion for the trail that day. However, even if making these calculations slowly over a period of time is prudent. I suggest that not analyzing conditions for their respective risk and consequences of failure will eventually have a cost to be paid, some of which the rest of us will read about.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogwood View Post
    Are you an older age person with such a ignorant notion?
    Should be "AN" ignorant notion. Not "A" ignorant notion. ?

  14. #14
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    In my observations in the Whites, there are two primary groups of unprepared hikers. The lead group is the casual weekend tourist who do not know any better. The second group are trail runners, many are former hikers but there is subset that have never hiked the trails but are working on social media. On any given weekend I am well out into the backcountry I see many (but not all)trail runners way out in the woods with little or no gear. Most have hydration packs with a pocket that probably holds a pair or car keys, wallet and cell phone and electrolyte packs. I have heard claims from some trail runners that since its rare to hear of rescues that the runners are more skilled and thus less gear is needed. Either that or they claim the ability to stuff a large volume of emergency gear in a ridiculously small space. The reality is the overall number of trail runners are still a minority and given the usage of the whites, the odds of being injured is very low so its probably just luck a runner has not needed a rescue. Cell coverage on the ridge lines is pretty good but down in the valleys its non existent.

  15. #15


    So, Dogwood...take some time and tell us how you really feel about the subject...

    "To make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." - T.S. Eliot

  16. #16
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    Wow! I thought I would get one or two LMAO's and then the post would descend into oblivion. Not hard to tell we are in the depths of winter. Fear not! Hiking season is just a few short months away or in Tipi's case, it started a couple of months ago.
    BTW. I don't subscribe to banning the banana.
    Trail Name - Slapshot
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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogwood View Post
    It's the way everyone goes. None of us know all things or all the events that can happen on hike... like seeing twice during two occasions different people on pogo sticks boinking down the AT... LMFAO. It might be more accurate to say we may all be less or more prepared compared to someone else rather than considering it as an absolute state or destination one can reach. It's relative and subjective.

    A hiker needs attributes of adaptability, resiliency, commitment having positive perspectives or at some pt.... crash, burn, fall, freeze, drown, curl up and die....even with these traits. They make us perhaps more prepared though.

    As Tom Cruise( Vincent) said in Collateral improvise, adapt, I Ching, Darwin, roll with it", as Cruise did in the scene in the club Fever and as Jamie Fox(Max) demonstrated in his meet with Felix and in later saving Jada Pinkett Smith(Annie) and killing Tom Cruise. That's one of the messages in the movie . Jamie Foxx could have adapted improvised starting his dream limousine service company yet shrunk back as Max also did in liking Annie but never gaining the courage to ask her out until the end of the movie... as those who sometimes do with the dream, the goal of competing the AT as a thru hiker or section hiker as they make excuse by not being in the perfect financial , life state, .... stars not perfectly aligned as they deem should be...with one among the lamest labeling of thrus usually in a transitional state or old or the young. Are you f-ing kidding? Consider Irwin, Schaffer or Grandma Gatewood, those with hear transplants, Diabetics, those recovering from all their immediate family killed - wife and children, or homeless/houseless, indigent, heavy hauling kits, ULers, kids, CEO's - major CEO's, newly recovering alcoholics heroin addicts, crack heads, those divorced, those happily married with as many as five adolescent children with perhaps being biz owners in the middle stages of their lives with a lot of off trail commitments, those without proper retirement planning, those recovery from stepping out on their families, etc C'MOM? Not prepared? Prepared? My goodness I was on crutches 3 wks before starting and eventually joyfully pain free completing an AT NOBO having some pain pill habits/addiction having had a broken left ankle and ligament damage and having open hear surgery 2 yrs previous and other non perfect places to be in my life to do a thru hike of 2200 mile length. All things I could have used to say this isn't my time, my yr to hike. Prepared, properly prepared? No I wasn't in many ways. Skurka did a rather fast AT NOBO as a LD backpacker NEWB. Oh but he was an elite athlete'; he ran at Duke; he's smart. Yeah but also could have been used as excuses. C'MON. Did Micheal Jordan shrink back embarrassed when he didn't make his H.S. Varsity Basketball team . No he working harder saying he was so embarrassed. He didn't use it as an excuse but turned it into a motivator for working harder. He grew 4- 5 inches in his teens in one year. Novak Dojokovic didn't shrink back long term despite injuries, mental struggles shrinking back to a much lower world ranking and losing to players far below his ranking after being world #1 tennis payer. He regrouped and again climbed back to world #1 male tennis player dominating some of the professional all time greats like Nadal and Federer perhaps Fed being THE GOAT. Resiliency commitment adaptability perspective. Nadal in his own right rose rather than shrink back despite injury after injury and outstanding opponent play and stratagy. NO. His nickname is The Bull for his physical strengths and mental doggedness. Did Roger Federer shrink back despite his age which once considered over the hill shrinking back to that old standard of when a professional tennis player normally retired. NO, he was recently one pt away from regaining #1 and beating the #1 player in the world a red hot playing Djokovic at Wimbledon. NO, like Serena Williams they have created a new mindset, new ways of thinking. Serena additionally is still playing at world class high level after having a baby and at 39 yrs old unheard of in the past. This is what makes a champion. This is what makes them elite among fields of the elite! Ohh Dogwood but they are elites. Like ability exists in those not elite of the elite! How about that long list of hikers I'm aware of that completed thru hikes and/or LASHes? Are they deemed elite? It's an excuse to say only the elite have these capabilities!

    It's not being an elite that makes these attributes; It's having such attributes that can make one an elite, practicing these attributes.

    This is offensive pointing this out. That is not the intention! And I don't do all I know I can be or should be doing so succeed at making excuses too! I'm trying to turn this franchise around make less excuses. However, I'm out there taking at bats willing to fail, knowing some of the most successful are the ones that have failed the most. Failure is not an excuse to try again. Got to give kudos to those that less rarely quit/ have to quit their hikes and yet come back, perhaps repeatedly, to do what they originally intended because as might be said they were unprepared. Preparedness is a matter of comparative perspective. How about you? What are your beliefs? Are you going to make yourself as prepared as you know and improvise and adapt as all hikers and thrus must or use that state of preparedness as an excuse to justify not stepping out into unknowns pretending an ideal condition exists that has to exist to do it? Are you going to pour all of yourself into succeeding, how ever that may be defined? It's a matter of comparative perspective the state of preparedness and not being prepared.

    The astronauts didn't fall back when adjusting course going to the moon or as NASA did getting to the moon. As Microsoft has done releasing their Windows platforms. Microsoft knew they were releasing versions with bugs that were to be figured post release to the public. And, it did cost them both in some ways. They persevered; they moved forward,; they fell forward not backwards. That's a like principle as having to adapt or improvise once on a hike. Consider how much these elite folks had prepared yet still had to adapt, improvise. Reports of Columbus burning his ships so that none could shrink back having to go forward despite fears and the unknowns, was his strategy to avoid a shrinking back mutiny. Matt Damon had no choice if he was to survive solo marooned in the movie The Martian on Mars attempting to survive despite repeated set backs and challenges. He fell forward. Nor did NASA attempting to help him survive or bring Mat Damon back alive. It was crushing to NASA when the resupply lift off exploded being sent to Mars to aid Damon. They continued on. Perseverance, adaptability, resiliency commitment perspective , knowledge , out of the box thinking. They fell forward, So did Tom Hanks in The Castaway despite his initial action to run away shrink back no hope mentality of being rescued by committing suicide despite not even knowing initially the sounds a falling coconut makes, learning how to spear fish, gain greater shelter, build a raft with a improvised Port a Potty sail fragment and video tape, having Wilson along as means to not feel lonely/despondent despite the love of his life was not in person there beautifully acted by Helen Hunt and Tom Hanks, written script, and directed by ???, But those were merely movies. Really? After the real life examples also given and are being ignored? ALL beautiful message filled movies rather than simply entertainment for entertainment's sake, to be amused. Think about this in context of the abundant advantages you now posses being "prepared"? There may be no ideal or perfect time or conditions to do things! Having the mentality that perfection has to exist is sometimes used to justify not stepping out stepping outside to attempt or complete a thru hike. It can be an example of exact habit tendency or perhaps, for lack of a better word, addiction to shrinking back as it seemed Max had in the movie Collateral. It took some extreme things for Max to experience finely that habit, addiction, tendency to be broken.

    I've been waiting to share all this for yrs. It's triggering. It's offensive. Maybe that will stir some into change! That may be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Offense can be a motivator too. Don't shy away. Will you push forth, will I not, accepting NO for an answer?

    Not appropriate for the Humor Forum? This post can be humorous, enraging and life changing simultaneously.
    Dr. Bronner! I wondered where you'd been...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paleolith54 View Post
    Old joke about British cops:

    "Halt! Or I shall be forced to say 'Halt!' again!"
    Good joke. But there's something maddeningly stupid about it too. I guess because it's kinda true?

  19. #19
    Registered User JNI64's Avatar
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    My apologies to everyone for my little rant. Everyone commenting so far on a subject that's about as serious a topic as we can discuss, have made great observations as usual. We have some very intelligent folks here. Maybe I took a cartoon and some lighthearted 1 liners the wrong way.in the hiker humor forum. Could be my attention deficit disorder, could be my little ole 9th grade education? Maybe I just can't keep up? I'll tap out now. No hard feelings anybody ? ( dogwood)?

  20. #20


    I suppose we are all guilty of hiking at differing levels of preparedness.This would also include skill sets for various tasks in the event of emergency just as much as gear carried for same.The important thing is that we keep trying to improve and don't do something really stupid like failing to admit we are lost.

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